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Uneven lies...HERE WE GO :-)

Sat, Dec 29 2012 12:34 PM (184 replies)
  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 6:24 PM

    like I said before ,And will say many more times...They need to get a new adviser that knows what they are talking about. So they can code in the correct, distances,for any particular shot.And how it is suppose react off the club face.At the moment.All the uneven lie shots are all incorrect,,But If this is the way they want it set up for reasons knowen only to them,,,,,so be it

  • TarheelsRule
    5,591 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:16 PM

    I've played more on the uneven lies and I am even less impressed.

    The ball simply does not react in this manner in real golf and as I mentioned before in WGT there is no real way to adjust for an uneven lie.  In real golf we can move the ball up or back in your stance, you can choke up on the club do lots of things to compensate for an uneven lie. 

    I just played a shot at STA from 130 yards to the 13th green.  In the fairway slight downhill and sidehill lie.  Not much of one.  Hit the club about 95% with full backspin, aiming a little right for the wind and lie.  Ball went just under 95 yards and about 10 yards left.  I have actually played at STA in real golf and the uneven lies exist on almost every shot, it just isn't as difficult to deal with as WGT has made it, first the ball funnels to a reality level area in the fairways, it doesn't stop on the side of a mound.  The biggest issue to me seems to be with shots that are played slightly downhill, in real golf I have a number of ways to deal with that in WGT the ball goes 35% less.

    It's like that every shot, way overdone and no way to compensate for it.  I've been on here since 2009 and I can honestly say that if they implement this without improvements and more realistic shot making, I'm gone.  It becomes all luck and no skill.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 10:48 PM

    I don't play too many real golf games anymore due to health reasons, except for the annual golf w/kend away with the Social Club, I can handle that between heaps of

    The Uneven Lies needs to be fine tuned. At the moment it's too much of a headache.

    Maybe get rid of the uphill/downhill option... correct me if I'm wrong, but in real golf we move our stance or where we put our feet to counteract the Lie.  Playing the game we can't do that... we just have to rely on where we aim or hard we hit the ball.

    Keep the above/below feet... then we just have to aim correctly... is that correct?

    This new feature has been suggested by people for ages....  Wgt has brought it in and it's still in practice mode to see everybody's reaction...

    Needs heaps of fine tuning before it's released into the real world....



  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 12:12 AM

    @ The few low avg Legends & Tour Legends who have posted negative post in this thread; aren't you guys tired of playing darts all your rounds? I am ....dead tired.

    Lets use our brains on new estimations instead of doing the "automatic" 4 mouse clicks fairway shot: aim, spin, remove flag & ding. We have mastered, the only goal is to get more & more darts in! Take it as a new challenge!!

    Please do not make your conclusions out of what the feature is at the moment  VERY unrealistic & exaggerated., it is only a test.

    Let WGT find the real figures and then try again...c'mon a little of patience!



  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 3:01 AM

    I did forget to say in my post(which is 90% positive for the changes) that along with  bunkers being unrealistic the downhill lies are unrealistic as the flight of the ball resembles no golf shot ive ever played so yeah i think that deffo needs changin


  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Sun, Sep 2 2012 3:51 AM

    One simple question. How are you folks compensating for the shots that you cannot see where the ball is in your stance?

    The reason I ask is because I have had a couple behind the mini map where I could only see the upper part of the grid, but not where the ball actually was.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 1:48 AM


    One simple question. How are you folks compensating for the shots that you cannot see where the ball is in your stance?

    The reason I ask is because I have had a couple behind the mini map where I could only see the upper part of the grid, but not where the ball actually was.

    I suppose you are talking about shots around the green and not sure exactly what do you mean but, what I do is this; I always use the chip view & move my aim according to my experience with the flop direction & now considering the deviation from the lie. To hit, I consider again if the ball is up & down hill to estimate the strength.

    As said before, flop becomes almost useless unless you ball in on the fairway, perhaps when WGT finds the right figures for the uneven lie, it will be a matter of time before people will start using the flop again from rough, although I do not thing it will ever be used in bunkers.

    Rounds in minus are already here, but still some shots goes crazy out of direction. 


    ps...I repeat I am so tired of throwing darts only to get good rounds under 55/27.

  • frappefort
    3,994 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 2:26 AM

    i am Frapp, i played once  those un even lie ,i was  invited , i did not like it at all .....  well i am no where  good enough to try the challenge .  glad i can say no  to those game ,i am here to have fun while trying to play well ....... i will not play well  with this new   stuff....   not that i play all that good ....but my game is hard has it is  i say for now    ,not for moi   yet.   mes amis   Frapp

  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Mon, Sep 3 2012 3:38 AM



    One simple question. How are you folks compensating for the shots that you cannot see where the ball is in your stance?

    The reason I ask is because I have had a couple behind the mini map where I could only see the upper part of the grid, but not where the ball actually was.

    I suppose you are talking about shots around the green and not sure exactly what do you mean but, what I do is this; I always use the chip view & move my aim according to my experience with the flop direction & now considering the deviation from the lie. To hit, I consider again if the ball is up & down hill to estimate the strength.

    As said before, flop becomes almost useless unless you ball in on the fairway, perhaps when WGT finds the right figures for the uneven lie, it will be a matter of time before people will start using the flop again from rough, although I do not thing it will ever be used in bunkers.

    Rounds in minus are already here, but still some shots goes crazy out of direction. 


    ps...I repeat I am so tired of throwing darts only to get good rounds under 55/27.

    Thanks for your reply but I think you misread my ? Take a fairway for example:

    grid is behind the mini-map with only the top part showing but not where the ball is in your stance.