Some valuable "uneven lies" tips have already landed the forums, GO AND READ THEM!
Regards, Eric
Unh huh - a great challenge for most, Eric! Why?
1. no Forum search functionality [period];
2. No consolidated place to put uneven lies informational posts - for those kind enough to share successful tactics with the community;
3. Those 'valuable tips' are scattered across at least 5 different Forums that I can think of (and possibly others, in way-off-topic threads);
4. Who has the time to wade through 4.5 tons of chaff to get to 2/3 cup of kernels of uneven-lies wisdom?
Has the topic of Forum functionality and improvements risen to a topic level at any of the MrWGT chats? Not to my admittedly impaired memory. If not, then it needs to rise to that level.
At the least it'd be nice to have a new forum added - in the Product Discussions area - devoted specifically to uneven lies. I see the light from the oncoming freight train of ALL UNEVEN ALL THE TIME and can even hear the whistle in the distance.
I'm learning it the hard way, but but it sure would be nice to have a section in the Library of Community Wisdom to go to for the straight poop.
Here's to the learning curve!