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This 5 minute wait for a guy who isn't coming back PLUS..

Sun, Sep 16 2012 12:57 PM (33 replies)
  • SpikeMike
    51 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 7:14 AM

    This happened to me four separate times yesterday, trying to play Skins games. It's dropped my percentage to 87%. Five minutes is too long to wait, and I think a vast majority of players would agree.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 7:54 AM



    5 min wait period if a pretty good time frame for a full reboot/modem re-dial in and reconnect.


    Good Advise Icon...

    If I have to reboot.... it takes at least 4mins...  then having to log on again might take anothe 30secs.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:46 AM



    5 min wait period if a pretty good time frame for a full reboot/modem re-dial in and reconnect.


    Surely there is a better answer.  I would think WGT has statistics on the amount of time taken to rejoin a mp game?  How often do people disconnect due to a PC crash needing a re-boot?  IMO, not often. Setting the time limit based upon an infrequent occurrence is nuts! (If someone's PC crashes during a game, do you really want them back?)

    More frequently in my experience its a brief glitch in their ISP connection, WGT treats it as a discon, we all go to the lobby and the guilty party is there waiting or is there shortly and away we go.

    The time limit should be set for the more frequent intervals not the least frequent.


    1,141 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 9:12 AM

    i alway's heard,,, becarefull what you ask for ...ya just mite get it...

    well folks begged an begged for this... 

    hek.. i never cared if an ole bad attitude fake avg saving player quit... just moved on..

    now a whole new mess of probs... 

    what ya gunna do when one of the jerks ..starts just hitting it all over the place then letting the 90 seconds run out over and over...just so everybody else will quit ????? 

    im definatly stickin to,, ONLY playing with my lovely list of non quittin frends.... 

    i never quit... but the game has froze compleetly out of the blue before  ...sure didnt want anybdy HATING me over 1 little game in life...

    so i never hated on other's if they for WHAT EVER REASON ..decided to leve... 

    NOW THO .. i am leary to even join random game...for fear IM GOING to have to sit thru 20 minits..of ppl rebootin or worce ..NOT returning... 

    my 2 cents.. 


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 10:05 AM




    5 min wait period if a pretty good time frame for a full reboot/modem re-dial in and reconnect.


    Good Advise Icon...

    If I have to reboot.... it takes at least 4mins...  then having to log on again might take anothe 30secs.



    Agreed ometimes you have to do a full reboot to be able to get backinto the game. I have a fairly fast computer and it takes at least 3 -4 min for everything to load and a few extra maybe to get back to the game screen.

    BTW...Mantis....Thx for the gift

  • SmokinSam
    15 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 10:14 AM

    Here's my thoughts

    1. Lobby clock to be reduced to 1min 30 sec..

    If you are a genuine player, you will make every effort to get back to the lobby

    2. WGT to release a bulletin

    how to correctly disconnect from a game rather then just shut down the window.. (i.e MENU / FORFEIT GAME) without incurring a penalty,

    3. Provide clear definition of what the % indicator is really for

    Currently it offered misleading information and portrays the player is a Quitter and only finishes less then 100% of multi player rounds... when in fact, most of the time the disconnection was to no fault of the players but due to other circumstances.

    4. Option to Forfeit instead of waiting in the lobby for others

    Allow access to the MENU drop down window so players can legitimately forfeit without penalty or risk of % reduction.



  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 1:19 AM

    get rid of it entirely until they can hire some more competent programmers.

    this "cure" is worse than disease

  • GottaBeJoking
    1,462 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 5:29 AM

    irrespective of anything else, in a game where one person HAS to leave for a valid reason (and politely apologises etc), it needs the facility so that the remaining 3 players do not have to sit in the lobby for 5 mins waiting for the countdown.

    Either that person has to be able to 'forfeit' & leave the game w'out affecting the others game, or in the lobby you have the option to 'continue without'.


  • Putterman58
    976 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 12:09 PM

    I like that option of "continue without" in the lobby area. People who quit for the sake of quitting are not going to reconnect so why wait 5 minutes? I was in a game this morning where I and 2 others waited in the lobby for 5 min. We got back to game and someone else decided to do same thing. We waited for another 5 min. and game went out on us. Waste of time unless there is an option to continue without the player. Give them 2 minutes and if we decide to continue our game, at least we will be happy.