I agree with MrWalls. 5 minutes is way too long for a guy who just quits a game and doesnt say anything. Usually you can tell who is going to quit on how he is playing, based on his scoring avg. and level. It is Ludicrous that 3 other players have to sit and wait for someone to reconnect that you know isnt coming back.
Then after 5 minutes of waiting, you get an error message saying that the game has been cancelled by WGT for lack of activity. Lack of Activity is a load of crap.... we all sat there and couldn't do anything because we had to wait. We did manage to get the 3 remaining players back and continue the game..... but the steps needed to be taken to do this was rediculous.
I understand the 5 minute timer for someone who is having internet or computer issues and has to reboot the machine. But in most of those cases the player experiencing those issues will usually let the other players know of an issue he / she is having in the chat window of the game.
There should be an option button allowing players to carry on play without the required 5 minute wait time.
The other issue is that the remaining players shouldn't be kicked to the lobby. They should stay in the game screen and wait there. Once the remaining players go and sit in the lobby....there is a good chance that more of the players will just quit. Especially if they dont know how to return to the game that was haulted by a player who just decides to quit because they were not happy with their score and didn't want their scoring average to be affected.
This new system definately needs to be tweaked to allow games to be continued and completed in a reasonable amount of time.