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New Stroke Play Lobby

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 6 2012 8:56 AM (3 replies)
  • Loon10
    5 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:28 PM

    Does anyone else feel that the reconnection time could be shortened from 5:00 minutes to either 2:00 or, at the most, 3:00 minutes?  A 5:00 minute reconnection time is a bit long and usually ends up in the other players quitting or disconnecting due to the long wait time.



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 1:58 PM


    5 min wait period if a pretty good time frame for a full reboot/modem re-dial in and reconnect.


  • corndawgmac
    1 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 2:24 PM

    There is a group of us that work on the Fire Dept and usually cannot finish a round without interuption of calls, we would very rarely be able to finish 18 holes. We enjoyed playing the intial way of signing on and playing and if we had to leave and comeback to finish the round with the same elements of wind and hole placements, and still complete the rounds. We would like the option of staying and playing with our group and cannot do that with the new stroke play lobby. So its a negative for us. Thank you, Corndawgmac


  • Loon10
    5 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2012 8:56 AM

    When you're in a multi-player game and someone disconnects, the other players have to wait that 5:00 minutes to resume play.  VERY FRUSTRATING!!!