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No More Save Game?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 31 2012 11:32 AM (0 replies)
  • VanMan75
    265 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 11:32 AM

    Ok I've been playing this a long time and I know that i've harped on this a while back about how people like to just leave the game after a few bad shots...  Apparently the fix to that is by just putting a "forfeit" button as an option under the MENU in game play and removing the "End Round" option.  Now i have no idea what percentage of people leaving games are just idiots that hit one bogey and bounce out cause they're trying to get to the next tier but for me sometimes things happen.  For example one of my friends likes to continually play 18 hole games with me.  That's great except sometimes he takes forever and while i play at my office, sometimes time does not allow me to finish and if i'm having a great game, I like having the option of ending the round so that I can finish it up later and A. get more experience B. lower my AVG (after all I'm trying to reach TL tier ((which will take about forever))....)   But now WGT has effectively removed the ability to do that.  Now the only thing we can do is forfeit and lose the chance to play the rest of the round altogether.  Heaven forbid something happens that takes us away from the game and we can't finish the round.  Now we really get punished for it.  This needs to be changed back immediately as that little "feature" is more of a hindrance to me.  Yes i know that there are tons of DB's out there that will bounce out of a game but you know what there are more that like to actually finish and could use the ability to save a game and pick up when they get back from a meeting or perhaps rescuing a busload of nuns or what not.  Please change it back.