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Monthly multi round tier question

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 1 2012 12:42 PM (3 replies)
  • cmccann88
    11 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 8:42 AM

    Say I were to play the monthly round multi-round open or a weekly multi-round and I happen  change from tour master to legend tier half way through.... Do I get to continue playing the courses at at a tour master tee or do I play legend tees that will count towards the tour master tournament?



  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 9:24 AM

    You continue to play as a Tour Master until the tournament is over.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 11:09 AM

    ...and the scores will count against the Legend (new tier) average. Nice change chance to consolidate a starter average.

  • mplisnar
    5 Posts
    Sat, Sep 1 2012 12:42 PM


    Say I were to play the monthly round multi-round open or a weekly multi-round and I happen  change from tour master to legend tier half way through.... Do I get to continue playing the courses at at a tour master tee or do I play legend tees that will count towards the tour master tournament?



    You'll always play free tourneys from the same tees you had when you entered. But in the case of the monthly multi round premium your tees may vary. I played in the August multi and we had our normal TM (hard) tees for 2 rounds, 1 round was from legend tees and 1 from medium ones (or it could be 3 from TM tees, but 1 was definitely from legend tees). But it should be the same for all who enter. It's like the RG's, not all tier based RG's are played from tees, designated for their tees, when I was  master, we had a tourney where we all teed off from medium tees.
