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Uneven Lies

rated by 0 users
Sat, Sep 8 2012 6:51 AM (26 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:07 AM

    Scoring "the usual +2" at Oakmont might mean you dont really notice the uneven lies, as if you are "usually" over par any way, means you are hitting average strokes in the round any way so whether it be a uneven lie or miss aiming, you might still be landing 5+ yards from pin any way, it will effect us dart throwers more, the players who hit within 2 yards 80%+ of the time with any club.  Its those who will see the shots coming up 40 yards shorter than normal, but if you carry on playing with uneven lies, you will be learning it all thrown in, so if you enjoy it how it is, keep on at it.

  • MugsyOdowd
    3 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:23 AM

    Links 200 was my favorite pior to this, I liked i... Tried a couple holes uneven, will try more today and report...

  • MugsyOdowd
    3 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:24 AM

    Links 200 was my favorite pior to this, I liked it... Tried a couple holes uneven, will try more today and report...

  • ducktwo
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:48 AM

    when does start would like to try

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 7:59 AM

    I've played the uneven lies 2 times....still totally unrealistic and needs about as much work as NASA sending men to Mars then returning them safely to the earth.


  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:01 AM


    I've played the uneven lies 2 times....still totally unrealistic and needs about as much work as NASA sending men to Mars then returning them safely to the earth.


    .... so true .....still laughing Davey ..... ahahahahahahah !!!!

  • JKJ3
    24 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:08 AM

    Great idea but...... .  I think it makes the game more realistic,  and it  will change the avg. scores dramatically.  I think it makes the game longer and much much more expensive. I envision a lot of lost balls and of course many more strokes, which might cause some players to stop playing this game.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:39 AM


     I think it makes the game more realistic

    what kind of real life courses do you play on if these uneven fairway lies are realistic.

    considering these unrealistic lies are on championship courses (fairways are pretty mostly flat as the name suggests).....i think it is totally unrealistic.

    uneven lies should be in roughs and bunkers......certainly not on fairways.

    sure uphill and downhill lies yes.....but even those shouldn't be too drastic.... the others i saw were just taking the pish and as you rightly say, all this is for is to cause extra ball wastage and yet another cash cow for wgt.

    wgt can't sell us precision golf clubs then put them through a mangle.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:59 AM


    when does start would like to try

    It's already in place. Set up a Practice game and you will see the option in the setup.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 10:13 AM

    I played the uneven lies a few times, and lets get real.  For those who play golf IRL, one can adjust their stance, ball placement, and open and close the club face to compensate for the swing plain.

    If one member who has played competitive golf says it is unrealistic, although I have not played competitive golf, but play golf with a +2 handicap, it needs to be dramatically tweaked.

    I am the one who opens his mouth, and members at WGT take an instant dislike to what I have to say.   Well,  I can live that, but uneven lies as it stands, you will loose members, as the enjoyment is no longer there!!!!!!!!!!

    Secondly, and most important of all before implementing uneven lies is to ensure a smooth meter for everyone.