After experiencing the fluttering meter associated with an automatic Adobe upgrade, I remedied the problem by downloading the very latest Adobe Plugin (11.4.402.265) and disabled all the older ones. I also blocked further Adobe updates unless I gave permission to make changes to my Chrome program. or my computer.
tonight, I began experiencing the fluttering meter again......??????
I immediately went into the Chrome://plugins/ section only to discover that the newest Adobe upgrade 11.4.402.265 had been disabled and replaced with an older version..!!
Despite my having intentionally blocking Adobe updates/changes to my computer, the changes were made.
Another very disturbing circumstance: While playing the back nine at Congressional, I noticed my Black Max ball acting unnaturally. I lost much of my ball control. Putts were especially out-of-sync. I'd play a shot with normal speed/distance only to watch it rush past the cup by twice the distance I'd attempted.
I struggled with this for a few holes, lost a ball in the water hazard because I was unable to control certain aspects of my shots.
On the 18th hole, the screen/program 'Froze'. I waited, clicked on full screen them small screen, ....nothing. I went to logout and got a message "We're sorry. but there has been an unintentional error in the program. Please try again later" Gr-r-r-r-r
After logging out, I noticed an e-mail from WGT awarding me a 'Bonus'.....???
I had rec'd a free 'Speed Ball Boost". What do I need to do to get rid of this 'Bonus'...? To erase it from my system and get back to normal play...? Again, changes were made to my system with out my permission...???????
One more item: Back when we were experiencing the Adobe fluttering meter problem, I was deprived of my 220 consecutive 'Days Played' record. On several occasions, I've requested that the 'String' be reinstated. .... I've never had the courtesy of a reply to any of my requests......??? That reflects poorly on those administering this program...!!