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Im NOT Forfieting!!!!

Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:22 AM (2 replies)
  • hunter61073
    8 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 10:55 AM

    WHY is WGT saying I forfiet a game... when I play to the end... and wait till everything is closing out???

     I have playedevery day, and for some reason... I will log on, and the last game I finished, it says I forfiet?! I should have a 100% rating for games completed... and this is really ticking me off.

     WGT... PLEASE FIX THIS!!!!!

  • EndaBunkers
    39 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 5:41 PM

    Is it that you have gotten used to hitting the 'x' button on the game window when you have concluded a game, rather than the 'return to main menu' button? Sorry if not, it seems like a plausible explaination for what you are describing.

  • hunter61073
    8 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:22 AM

    I always return... thats not the problem... and many others complain of the same issue.