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The System Works. Leave it Alone.

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 6 2012 3:02 PM (45 replies)
  • don78
    8 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 4:35 PM

    I agree with the last 2 posts, it doesnt work  cos if u get stranded and hav to leave  cos some1 decides to disconect in ANY GAME u have to quit window and cos of those dicks u  end up with lost % if u hav 100% u hav been lucky so far...

  • stvmansfield
    2 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 4:59 PM

    Sorry it does not work. I switch back and forth and have had people quit. My average has not gone up when I complete games. So NO it does not work fine. Please understand fully what you are talking about before you make a comment



  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 5:15 PM

    Wiyh all due  respect  you are on  idiot

  • hotmann26
    394 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 5:46 PM

    No it does not work i dont quit games but others do but you get punished same as in skins game wgt has errors and you may be winning and through no fault of your own because there have been server probs  you end up losing ??????? it certainately  is not right


  • StrokerLee
    94 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 6:32 PM

    PCFRASER wrote the following post at 09-04-2012 1:46 PM:

    Good job WGT! Thumbs Up!

    The new percentage system works fine. I have hit 100 percent like they said would happen and have never gone down since. I have not lost any points from someone else quitting or disconnecting. 

    I also love the fact that if I create a game I can filter out the people that are most likely quitters. The games that I have created with individuals who are at 93 or higher have all competed their respective rounds with me which was the intent of the system.

    Those people on here who insist on crying and whining about the new system are most likely the offenders and are angry that they can't get a game because they get booted from the lobby...........and rightly so!!


    With all due respect I put this in bold print so thay you won't miss any of this !!!! Firstly the percentage system does NOT WORK FINE !!! And here are some reasons: #1) If you want to join a match in stroke can't tee off until you get a foursome (that's an extra waste of my time-sometimes I only want to play in a threesome) #2) It does NO GOOD AT ALL to post someones percentage (because if they are at 60%...what difference does it matter to show me that...when I/You can't boot them from a stroke play game before it starts)!!!  #3) I have had players disconnect and then wait 5 minutes...and then 4 and a half minutes into that...someone else decides they do not want to wait any longer !!!  So they quit !!! and now we are just a twosome...but waiting on a 'fresh' 5 minute reconnect time !!  And then the clock finally gets down to >>0:00 and then my screen goes blank !!!  then the dreaded (WGT) 'Error' pops up and tells me that I MUST EXIT my browser !!! So I follow that >>and now I get the screen that says that "I QUIT" and so now I forfeit the round and lose percentage>>>due to no fault of my own doing!!!  #4) why are we waiting 5 minutes (while the other 3 players are all  up on the 'wait board') for the one who disconnected in the first place to come back ??? HE/SHE/THEY QUIT...SO WHY ARE WE WAITING ON THEIR AS**S TO RETURN !!! THAT AIN'T NO PUNISHMENT TO QUITTERS !!! THAT SEEMS MORE LIKE A REWARD TO THEM !!! In the meantime I have played 317 'consecutive days played' since joining WGT last October 23rd, 2011...and I have not missed a day of playing since that date...and mostly multi-player rounds and always 'Stroke Play'...And I have never disconnected or quit from a multiplayer round of golf no matter how I am playing (win, lose or draw>>>or Good, Bad and downright Ugly!!!) Now, have I been disconnected for other reasons (internet connections, unexpected errors, freezes and other situations that are or were out of my hands) while involved in a 'Stroke Play' Multiplayer round ??? BUT OF COURSE !!! (and i'm sure everyone has expierienced that from time to time !!! So this time around it is not THE QUITTERS that's crying go back to how it used to be !!! BUT THE 'GOLFERS and PLAYERS that respect the game and also by the way probably sink the most money into this venture !!! Now with all due respect >>> I COULD BE WRONG...BUT I SERIOUSLY DOUBT IT !!! Good Day !!! There will be another post to follow this one on what I believe WGT should do to quitters...but most won't like it !!!

  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 6:51 PM

    Again i say  a  man with sense .

  • menacing1
    7 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 7:30 PM

    Modifying my original post in this thread, the game has now glitched out on me 11 out of 13 times.  The last was in a twosome at Olympic where the game glitched 4 times in the first two holes.  Somehow my partner and I managed to stay together, and got through 15 when it glitched out again.  Trying to get back to the best round I ever had there, it told me I disconnected 3 times and therefore forfeited.  AARGH!  WGT, are you reading this?  You have serious problems here that need to be addressed.

  • StrokerLee
    94 Posts
    Tue, Sep 4 2012 7:31 PM

    In continuation of my previous post...the New Percentage System works (but really does not work) fine!!! I believe that WGT saw all the complaining about quitters and they tried to do something about them...and my hat is off to WGT for making an attempt to address that situation !!! But in all due respect, showing some percentage and having this new wait period is like penalizing not the quitter(s) but instead the rest of the remaining players !!! Who sometimes can't get back into the round and ARE FORCED (BY INSTRUCTIONS) TO EXIT THEIR BROWSER...only to get the message that they are the one that quit and therefore forfeit the match and run the risk of there completion percentage rating to go down !!! This is simply not 'Fair' or 'Right' !!!  Here is the solution to handle all QUITTERS>>>PERIOD !!!  #1) return the game back to how it was before this disconnection percentage BS...who cares what another's quit status is ??? Plus with the following 'FORMULA' it won't matter and it will only (mainly) affect HABITUAL QUITTERS !!!  #2) Here we go>>>firstly...if a person quits from a multiplayer round of any type of golf match... they should be penalized a half of level points...(in other words for every '2' disconnections they do...they will drop in their number level>>> 1 level back but keep their 'TIER' status !!!)...Secondly>> They shouldn't be able to use a piece of equipment that they may own...but not available if they are below the purchase level of that piece of equipment !!!  >>>Example:  I am on level 90 and I just bought the Taylor Made R-11 Irons...but I disconnect twice dropping a half of level for each disconnection...So now I have just dropped a full level back to level 89...but I am still a 'Tour Master' tier player...but also since I am back on level 89...I cannot use the 'level 90' R-11 irons that I just purchased (I still own them) but I just can't use them until I get back up to the 'PURCHASE LEVEL' which in this case is level 90!!!  THIS TYPE OF PENALTY FOR 'HABITUAL QUITTERS'  is not unfair or too harsh !!! Now I know some are saying well what if I have an internet connection problem??? Is that fair for me to be penalized a half of level back ???   I ask you this >>>You have already paid your 'entry fee' for a tournament (and you are leading the 1st round in the clubhouse now waiting on tomorrow) but you sleep wrong and you have a 'Stiff Neck' and you cannot swing your clubs like you was swinging them the day before !!! >>> Well..."Is that fair" ??? So if you are having that many problems with your server or loading issues>>>maybe you should just stick to playing solitarie on your computer !!!  Now back to the rest of the 'Formula' and WHY IT WOULD WORK !!! I am a 'HABITUAL QUITTER' and I am also a Tour Master at level 90 !!! But Everytime I have a bad shot or a bad hole or having a not so good round>>> I quit !! I do this over and over and over a number of times !!! So many times in fact at dropping a half of level for each disconnection>>>I look up and now I am way back on level 70 !!! But I am still a 'Tour Master' and must play tournaments within that realm !!! But even though I may have some equipment that I bought AFTER level 71...since I am 'ONLY' on level 70 I can't use them (until I get back to the purchase level of that piece of equipment)!!!  LET'S SEE A TOUR MASTER LIKE ME PLAY WELL WITH ALL STARTERS CLUBS IF I MADE THE MISTAKE OF SELLING OFF MY LOWER CLUBS EVERYTIME I BOUGHT NEW AND BETTER EQUIPMENT!!! This type of penalty would not only work...but the 'Habitual Quitter' will now have to complete games (whether by themselves or in a group) in order to get back up to the needed level(s) to (unlock if you will) now be able to use their equipment that they STILL OWN...but are just in storage !!! YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT THIS WOULD NOT BE AN EASY FIX AND WOULD NOT ONLY DISCOURAGE QUITTING (which is of no value what-so-ever except unsportmanlike behavior)...BUT MAY EVEN SOLVE QUITTING ALTOGETHER !!!  PLUS IT COULD ALSO SOMEWHAT POSSIBLY (maybe) DISCOURAGE SANDBAGGING AS WELL !!! Thank you all  !!! And I'm just saying !!!