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this new format SUXXXXXXX

Thu, Dec 27 2012 3:35 PM (12 replies)
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  • Hoofheartd
    2 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 8:13 AM

    When someone quits..waiting for 5 minutes it just plain stupid...not only that whenever Im fortunate enough to finish a game ..I get a message saying I forfeited WHAT???

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 9:32 PM


    When someone quits..waiting for 5 minutes it just plain stupid...not only that whenever Im fortunate enough to finish a game ..I get a message saying I forfeited WHAT???

    They extended the wait time? Why would you not want to give the disconnected player the benefit of the doubt that they had a comp issue or other related issues? Not everyone quits ya know and 5 mins wont kill you. Will it? 

    Now they do need to fix the fact that you get punished if they dont return in ample time or actually do quit. WGT needs to get on that instead of adding new feature. FIX THE DAMN FEATURES WE ALREADY HAVE FIRST. So what if I am yelling :) 

  • iandunne
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 10:11 PM

    I have not finished 4 rounds in a row becuse someone quits then no one is willing to hang around for 5 mins!! Then i get punished too!!! Can the 5min thing and keep the quitting percentage I say

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Wed, Sep 5 2012 10:20 PM

    post deleted..don't need the negative feed back..for voicing my opinion,,have a nice day

  • theshortdriver
    138 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 3:03 AM

    Great can ignore that message... and as long as it gave you the level up points you did not forfiet anything..this is only a small glitch in the game..and does not mean anything...but if you actually quit ..and do not the alloted time,then and only then will this hurt your completion rate and after a few rounds of not returning,so play them all out unless all others have quit that game then you can as well and no penalty will be you... love this great Game..keep up the good work..W G T and thank you for bringing this game game to the is simply a fantastic game.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 4:06 AM

    I still notice that half the disconnects are from cpu issues. I don't mind the 5 minute waiting time. In real golf u may be on a tee twenty minutes before u can play.  So I honestly don't see the big deal.

  • bittydog
    623 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 10:49 AM


    Very very seldom is a player booted from a game now....because of a computer problem..

    Really? I play in a regular foursome a couple times a week with the same players and we haven't been able to finish 18 holes without at least 4 disconnects (usually more than that) in a long long time. I know no one is quitting because we are always on a conference call together talking so it's not us. So we sit in the lobby waiting for that player to rejoin the game. At times the player that was "booted" has to go all the way out (close the browser and relaunch it) and then log back in before they can rejoin the game. A time or two time ran out before they could rejoin. So saying "seldom is a player booted from the game" is pure B/S, And not all disconnects are quitters. 


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 11:20 AM

    I know no one is quitting because we are always on a conference call together talking so it's not us.
    I play in a regular foursome a couple times a week with the same players and we haven't been able to finish 18 holes without at least 4 disconnects


    I'm curious Bitty, has your 4some played without the conference call to see if ya'll can finish a full round?

    I'm not suggesting that is what causes the disconnects, but reading so many threads on this problem.

  • adolfcheeznutts
    1 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 12:47 PM

    I agree

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 2:07 PM


    Very very seldom is a player booted from a game now....because of a computer problem.

    I think you will find the Forums are packed full of these players.

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