One if those cocksucking donkey balls rounds for me...why is it all of a sudden I'm missing putts on the low side all the time. I just lipped out maybe 5 putts on the low side and missed a few more but just missing the low edge. Nothing was going where it should have been on approaches, wind wasnt playing at times to stated strengths and ding dev, well its getting to be a friggin joke. ding a shot bang on a pin with a 12 tail and it starts 10 yards left of stick..Then on 18, got a 11 right to left wind, aimed almost right side of fairway, another ding and ball takes off centre fairway and wind takes it into far left rough as if its a 25mph wind. Strange BS if you ask me..been playing this game long enough to tell when things don't ring true.
Anyway, scores for myself and Terry, great company for the round. Thx mate.