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Professional Sandbaggers CC

Mon, Sep 10 2012 10:17 AM (56 replies)
  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 3:30 PM

    MASTERPLOPSTER, play me again for your 555 credits and I'll take them off you again you sandbagger,!

  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 3:40 PM

    Its quite clear masteplopster should be a legend, He has played less than 20 stroke play rounds in the last year , yet he has a matchplay record   beating legends 192-116,   beating TMs by 361-165 and masters by 487 105, He is quite clearly a superior player, Better than many many legends and he is working the system put in place, But this whole thread is an insult to everyone here!  I hope because of this WGT do there research into baggers like you and throw you back to the Legend Tees where you belong"!

  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 3:49 PM

    MASTERPLOPSTERS status reads that he just "bought his second amazon card worth 250 dollars, thanks to WGT, the game that pays to play I love it"  Well well well, the game that pays to play eh??  You Dohnut, You just bought 500 dollars worth of gift cards for 3300 dollars worth of WGt credits. How long did it take you to win all them creds? 1 year, 2 years? Yeah thats economically viable, Keep it up!!

  • masterrplopster
    27 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 4:13 PM

    My My. There has been a lot of comment on this thread and all the old prejudices aired too. It rankles folks that WGT allow players to attain high level yet remain lower tiers. Their beef is with WGT not me. I pay fair - never lose on purpose or record a higher score than shot. All challenge games are entered into with the opponents tier and record known, so that's completely fair. I say well done WGT.

    As for Paudie. I have a winning record against him, so I like to think he contributed to my last Amazon card :) He won our last game, so he got a bit back - hence his crowing. In his posts he contradicts himself, saying I haven't bought the cards - then he's clearly seen the evidence in my blogs - so later admits I have! Beware playing this fellow, he swears like a trooper and is hard to stomach. The fact that he's so keen to play me rather torpedos his argument however. Poor Paudie.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 4:21 PM

    I say fairplay to them. They're only doing what wgt are letting them do. If wgt cared there wouldn't be level boosting chocy bars in the pro shop.

    So they're pretty good at matchplay from shorter tee's. I don't see any of them in the 2k Hustle tournament though. Simply because when it comes to it they're just not good enough to compete at the very highest level.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 4:50 PM


    when it comes to it they're just not good enough to compete at the very highest level.

    seems about right....they're good at pitch 'n' putt lol.

    what does wgt care about baggers & multi's winning credits off fair minded players  . the more they win the more rake wgt get...just simple economics.

    having said that...the more they flout it like this OP then the more likely WGT are gonna stamp on them.....just like the folks who recently blew and  blew on about "never put a cent into this game....just watched videos....bla bla bla" .....only to see views getting doubled for half the credits.

    blowholes are always the architects of their own misfortune......let them enjoy it while they can. makes no odds to me to be honest.


  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 11:37 PM

    Well said the bigeasy couldn't have put it better myself mate. And as one of the other guys already stated these SANDBAGGER sad lifes can carry on kidding themselves even playing off the ladies tee's they still can't beat the best & that must piss them off ! lol !   smoke.

  • masterrplopster
    27 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 2:05 AM

    At last someone I know - upinsmoketour - had plenty of credits from him :)

    Not hear of the 2k hustle - will try that.

  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 5:31 AM

    you are an absolute liar, you took THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS WORTH OF PLAYERS CREDITS TO BUY TWO GIFT CARDS FOR 500 DOLLARS, It has taken you more than a year to gain that, I have played you a few times and i find you a very abusive player with numerous smart  and derogatory comments, I reported you to WGT twice before for your rude behaviour, You are a smart pretentious  sandbagger.                      POOR POOR PLOPSETR!

  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 5:38 AM


    The reason people get pissed off at people like the ones you are asking for is that you know you are better then where you currently play, a wolf in sheeps clothing. Look at your CC home page or your page talking proudly about your 250 Dollar Amazon Card, lmao. This is why people complain, you have took $1650.00 dollars of other people's money to gain $250.00 dollars? real pro you are, Professional means you do it for a living and if this is how you make money good for you but so sad and plenty of other ways to make money rather then this.

    I will leave you on this note, being able to beat anyone from the hardest tees and hardest condtions in a game makes you the best, period. Anything else is just a lie not only to the community but most important to yourself. Brag all you wish about your winnings and you new club but honestly it just shows that you and your club members have a sad life, hope it turns around for you one day.




    Well said my friend.