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Sandbaggers CC

Wed, Sep 12 2012 10:40 AM (46 replies)
  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 4:37 PM



    Icon.....Chad Nelson & the rest of WGT staff.

    I seem to remember Chad telling folks in one of the chat sessions a month or so ago that wgt were gonna do something about sandbagging. I didn't realise giving away $250 Amazon GC's & allowing them to set up CC's to noise folks up was your agenda lol.

    At least we now know WGT's stance on things.

    Stay classy.

    Way to go rofl.


  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 4:38 PM

    I think if we continue to have some of the big name members complaining they will eventually listen.  How about giving WGT ideas as to how to correct the situation.

    #1  Automatically move all of the baggers in this lovely CC up to Legend tier or even better remove their player all together for their blantant abuse of the system

    #2  Change club purchase from level based to tier based (not sure if that is possible... )

    #3  Keep track of challenge wins and correlate it to tier advancement?

    I'm sure others have some much better ideas but maybe WGT needs a little help. 

    Thanks for speaking up Priestess and TBE!!  Good to see some highly respected players add their input.




  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 4:42 PM

    Hey HP,

    Great pic of the sandbaggers in action.

    The name of the club is interesting.....'Professional Sandbaggers CC'........Professional would indicate there is intent on the person to knowingly fool or lure an unsuspecting person into a game for credits disguising his true ability .  The unsuspecting person would not realise it until he was in the game & would find himself in a no win situation where he would more than likely be beaten or lose his credits disconnecting in an attempt to get out of the game.  I wonder how many people would take up the 'Hustle' if it was made know at the point of entry the real ability  of the 'Professional Sandbagger'


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:01 PM

    For me it's either black or white. There should be no grey area allowed with this issue.

    WGT either allows sandbagging or they do not.....your silence on this matter is deplorable.

    From what their main man Chad Nelson tells us, WGT do not allow or promote sandbagging, so if this is truly the case, explain why Sandbaggers CC is still allowed to operate. Let's face it, this thread's now many days old and not even a cough or splutter from WGT even though they've been actively moderating in it.

    Baggers do not affect me because I only play amongst my close friends who are already amongst the very best in this game, however, I realise that if this issue is not dealt with properly and sooner rather than later, the interest in WGT will tail off as loyal members stop playing so much or leave altogether. either permit sandbagging or you do not.....stop leaving players of this game to argue amongst each other when it's your job to enforce something you tell us all you don't allow.

    You're getting $6 for a cluster of pixels, $30 for irons, $22 for putters, $25 for drivers.....all just manufacturing cost whatsoever. A fair amount of folks who play this game are spending decent money. I spend decent money and do not mind spending it whatsoever. and really enjoy it.

    But I must ask you...............

    Why do you fail to keep to your side of the deal.?

    Give people the fairness they deserve and which many people pay money for....starting with this sandbagging issue.

    You either allow it or you do not. It's way past time you dealt with this issue instead of allowing it to boil over time and time again.

    I'm not trying to bust anyone's balls or cause trouble. I like this game a lot as many others do. I just this this issue keeps getting swept under the carpet repeatedly.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:40 PM

    You either allow it or you do not. It's way past time you dealt with this issue instead of allowing it to boil over time and time again.

    What would you have them do? People can get all the upset they want. Unless you want to turn this into something America is not you have to live with it. There's too big of a can of worms sitting on that sandbagging shelf regarding playing by the rules. They are, as unethical as it is.

    Caveat emptor.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:44 PM


    What would you have them do?

    How about not saying one thing and then doing the exact opposite. :)

    That's a no brainer and is not too much to ask Jim....or is it?

    They should just bite the bullet, hold their hands up, come out and say "OK folks...we officially allow sandbagging, like it or lump it...but there it is"

    It would come of no surprise.

    At least that is being straight with folks and not taking the pi$$ out of them.

    WGT speaking with a forked tongue just causes huge unrest.

    It's a shame really....because only the game will suffer in the long run.


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:52 PM

    IMO, the true sandbaggers are the ones that sneak around in the background, winning RGs and tiered tournaments while protecting the average. WGT has taken steps to deal with that part. What they can't do anything about is people like the owner of the club that exposes the underbelly of the system and plays it. He's there for all to see with no pretensions (except for the obvious) and it's play at your own risk. 

    Unless something goes down regarding this blatant expose, one would be safe in assuming WGT literally can't do anything legal about it unless they want to turn dictator.

  • paudieharrington
    83 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:54 PM

    3  Keep track of challenge wins and correlate it to tier advancement?

    Seems a simple and very logical solution!

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:55 PM


    Unless something goes down regarding this blatant expose, one would be safe in assuming WGT literally can't do anything legal about it unless they want to turn dictator.

    Stick them all off the back tees when they're playing other players for credits. Nothing illegal in that. :)


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 5:59 PM

    Stick them all off the back tees when they're playing other players for credits. Nothing illegal in that. :)

    Next step-define them. That's where it breaks down. A suggestion in another thread might work, though. Tie the won/loss record and/or earnings to tier advancement. Go after the stats.