When you doubt, or question this op, you all are full of $hit. Come on now, this is one of the best of the best. And yes I have noticed a difference in the Nikes, that is why I went back to the cheap Callys. Cheap???????????
Ever stop to think some of us that you consider full of $hit for asking questions may be trying to help? The reflections animation can relate to some of the jerky meters encountered.
Since this game runs with high fluctuating CPU usage due to the game and other background processes and/or programs running within your computer, one of the things I have been tracking closely with a cpu meter lately is the effect on the swing meter with my computer during the higher fluctuations of CPU usage. What I personally am finding that releasing the meter during those fluctuating periods resulted in a increased amount of jerking or skipping and by holding the swing until the lowest meter usage is indicated and releasing then the meter smooths out with no skips or jerks. I am still using a duo core processor and maybe the newer quad cores may not be effected as such.
The other thing I did that helped my meter greatly was to change a couple things in my video card settings. I use an Nvidia card so in my Nvidia control Panel I changed from the application controlling the quality/performance to manually setting the card to performance and changed the Physx GPU acceleration setting from auto to being controlled by the Video card taking any usage off my cpu.
With that combination I have a swing meter that runs silky smooth regardless of what terrain may be showing or animations running. I still cut out all of the unnecessary animations and do all of the flash clearing and settings but I find I need to do less with that. Will it work on others computers? To a degree I would venture so, all I can attest to is how it helped mine.
PS. Possibly what you may be encountering as a difference in your ball speed (aka swing meter feel) may be attributed to your video card, cpu & switching speed fluctuations not so much anything wgt has done. I thought at times wgt had changed speeds up intermittently but have since come to the conclusion it was settings within my computer and video card that were the culprit. That is not to say that I don't think there are certain items within the game that wgt does tweak without letting anyone know.