WGT has some software problems. As an expert in the field I can distinguish most of those from other problems.
Some people have system and connection problems. It's obvious; many of those have been addressed with workable solutions.
There are WTF problems. These are shots that didn't behave "properly." Mostly these are due to the random displacements caused by the precision, forgiveness, balance, etc., variables. Even if some variables have rectangular distributions (as do properly generated random numbers), the sum of such independent variables forms a normal (Gaussian) distribution. This means that most deliberate perturbations of the shot cluster near the mean, but an occasional wild-ass number comes up.
There are paranoia problems. Apparently a lot of people have them. What I don't understand is why people that believe WGT is out to deliberately eff them over and rob them continue to play the game. Is there a correlation between paranoia and masochism? Shoot, I don't know.
Some for-profit businesses have great customer support; some don't. Some have great engineers and some don't. Some have great managers, some don't. Some have great marketeers, some don't. It all shakes out in the end. If you continually patronize a baddie, it stays in business. If you don't patronize a goodie, it disappears. Make up your own mind about WGT, but then act on your beliefs, if you truly believe them.