snce all my post have to be approved i figured some one from WGT would at least answer this1.... the problem ha been beat to death.. iv red every poast and not 1 coment from wgt??? ok tonght i got booted ot of game had to rebot my comuter got back with 29 sec. left ok 5 min works for that but alassmy patner was gone!! so i go in to finish my game. lineup my shot swing reliese and bang im booted out to lobby ??? !@$ %
so i go back in and same thing happes onlyow i get the you quit 3 times so you forfit and lose game.... i have forfited 1 game the rest i had simaler prob. last night took 3 trys t get back in and finished game only be told i didnt finish my %is 90 im no quiter
come on its broken every one agrees with that!!!! now eather fix it or disable it till you get it fixed...