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multi game last man standing option..

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 14 2012 7:50 AM (3 replies)
  • fluffton
    87 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 9:30 AM

    Just created a 3 man stroke (ranked) first chap came up 47% (legend) i thought with a few errors on wgt with connection i gave him the benefit of the doubt (he quit after 2 holes) he said f**** it & quit,,the other chap 88% 'stay rate' had to go & quit on hole 5,,thing is i wanted to play a multi game & now it is a solo game,,if i quit i get punished with my % rate an option for disconnect  & no % penalty for the last man standing seems fair imo,just a thought...

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 2:01 PM


    Just created a 3 man stroke (ranked) first chap came up 47% (legend) i thought with a few errors on wgt with connection i gave him the benefit of the doubt (he quit after 2 holes) he said f**** it & quit,,the other chap 88% 'stay rate' had to go & quit on hole 5,,thing is i wanted to play a multi game & now it is a solo game,,if i quit i get punished with my % rate an option for disconnect  & no % penalty for the last man standing seems fair imo,just a thought...

    that's a great idea,
    and you're right, once you're all alone
    it's no longer a multi-player round,
    but I seriously doubt they'll re-program it,
    seems like a very hard thing to do, and wgt,
    they don't like working too hard :)

    but statistically speaking,
    if you stick to playing with high % only,
    that shouldn't usually happen to you.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 2:41 PM

    Can I get clarification on this - if it is started as a multiplayer game, if you are the last man standing in a stroke round, and you quit, does this affect your %?  My understanding that it does, but heres the anomoly, can WGT then explain why you only get the XP points as it was a single player game, not the original 3 or 4 player multi player game it started?

    I agree with the gmaster - try and stick with high % players, this minimises the chance of your % dropping, however my last A/S game my partner at 93% quit after the first shot he hit. dropped me to 97, which as many threads have said is unfair. Certainly needs some refining but at least it is an indication before you atart.

    Perhaps Icon could explain what refinements are expected, thats if you are not to busy :)

  • fluffton
    87 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 7:50 AM

    i know i had a 3 man game & i was the last man standing due to both quitting,YES the last man standing has to finish or % is affected,,,,,A/S is going to be amended wgt have said but yes if your partner bolts YOU WILL BE AFFECTED i-e % will drop ,i predict many many members will decline the A/S  format for that precise reason  until adjustments are done..the % idea is right imo it just needs the errors ironing out..