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New MAX Products

Wed, Sep 12 2012 7:40 PM (8 replies)
  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 1:06 PM

    I am personally a fan of MAX products and would like to see more of them...

    My suggestions:

    MAX distance driver (rated 295 or so yards to get a 10-15 yard boost over R11s maybe 3,000 credits with a 3 meter speed and same stats as R11s, unlock at Legend)

    MAX FW 3 wd ( rated 270 or so yards, to make distances like real tour pros-I am fed up with the huge gap between the Driver and 3 wd and the rest same stats as R11s) unlock at Legend and 1,500 creds

    MAX hybrid at 250 yds (med-high trajectory, 3 spin, 3 meter and rest same as R11s) unlock at Master and around 1,700 creds)

    MAX irons (more like real life, with lower trajectory, say med-high, same stats as R11 irons except make distances from 240-140...more like what a tour pro would hit) unlock at Legend and around 4,000 credits

    These are just my suggestions...

    most are legend unlocks...I think this could help with the sandbagger problems

    And i also think if these are put in, a softened version of uneven lies could be implemented into the whole game!

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 1:14 PM

    I wanna Pepsi Max.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 11:34 AM

    These are just my suggestions...

    Thanks, Willsstrs. We will be rolling out an entire line of MAX items, including clubs, so keep an eye out on the forums for future announcements


    Stay classy,


  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 3:24 PM

    awesome, i love it!

    1,533 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 3:37 PM

    Nice one pizza take a zero off those prices though were stly out of work old guy's & disabled guy's ffs with governments bleeding us dry too have a heart.

    GC. P>S> Willsters is a rich guy who play's BpB lol


    These are just my suggestions...

    Thanks, Willsstrs. We will be rolling out an entire line of MAX items, including clubs, so keep an eye out on the forums for future announcements


    Stay classy,



  • TheDuckinator
    1,691 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 5:38 PM


    These are just my suggestions...

    Thanks, Willsstrs. We will be rolling out an entire line of MAX items, including clubs, so keep an eye out on the forums for future announcements


    Stay classy,


    Please make these legend only. Don't give the sandbaggers any more weapons....

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 7:39 PM



    These are just my suggestions...

    Thanks, Willsstrs. We will be rolling out an entire line of MAX items, including clubs, so keep an eye out on the forums for future announcements


    Stay classy,


    Please make these legend only. Don't give the sandbaggers any more weapons....

    perzactly what the Duck said!!


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 7:40 PM



    These are just my suggestions...

    Thanks, Willsstrs. We will be rolling out an entire line of MAX items, including clubs, so keep an eye out on the forums for future announcements


    Stay classy,


    Please make these legend only. Don't give the sandbaggers any more weapons....

    perzactly what the Duck said!!