I am personally a fan of MAX products and would like to see more of them...
My suggestions:
MAX distance driver (rated 295 or so yards to get a 10-15 yard boost over R11s maybe 3,000 credits with a 3 meter speed and same stats as R11s, unlock at Legend)
MAX FW 3 wd ( rated 270 or so yards, to make distances like real tour pros-I am fed up with the huge gap between the Driver and 3 wd and the rest same stats as R11s) unlock at Legend and 1,500 creds
MAX hybrid at 250 yds (med-high trajectory, 3 spin, 3 meter and rest same as R11s) unlock at Master and around 1,700 creds)
MAX irons (more like real life, with lower trajectory, say med-high, same stats as R11 irons except make distances from 240-140...more like what a tour pro would hit) unlock at Legend and around 4,000 credits
These are just my suggestions...
most are legend unlocks...I think this could help with the sandbagger problems
And i also think if these are put in, a softened version of uneven lies could be implemented into the whole game!