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Friends list "spring cleaning"

Sat, Sep 15 2012 2:00 AM (11 replies)
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  • SmokinSam
    15 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 6:22 PM

    Mr WGT,

    how bout a faster way to delete friends.

    Current system

    1. Expand Friend list

    2. Click on player to remove from list and open profile page

    3. click on "remove player"

    4. Return to "my profile page"

    5. Repeat steps 1 -4

    Not a problem if you only have 1 or 2 to remove.. but when multiple players need to be removed, it becomes a tedious exercise



    Just as you have a window to nominate friends to share scores after a solo stroke round... use the same method to allow multiple deletion of players..

    not much of a request, but would save some players a bit of time when cleaning out their friends list to a manageable amount.. 

    Thanks Sammy

    P.S  when's the next update?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 8:55 PM

    100 % Agree. It is a ridiculous exercise if you are having an annual cull. Surely this could not be too hard to implement.  On that note I hope that I didn't get the chop Sammy :)

  • SmokinSam
    15 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 9:25 PM

    Im still going thru 2010 list of friends mate... your safe for the next 6 months

    :-) Sammy

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Sep 13 2012 11:43 PM

    This procedure will speed up if you open a new browser tab for each player. Thus the expanded friends overview stays untouched.

    Works in Firefox with right click on the link.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 12:08 AM

    I found the best way to keep your friends list at a reasonable level, is to think twice before accepting invites.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 5:49 AM

    Works in Firefox with right click on the link.


    Yup...... just right click and then press 't'  you can have 20 windows open in about 30 seconds.


    As said before, it is best not to let your friends list get that long.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 7:06 AM

    As said before, it is best not to let your friends list get that long.

    Keep them under 250. I have no problem with that many friends (they all play) but if you have more than that the list starts acting odd. You won't see your  additions over 250 or be able to PM them, stuff like that. That bug has been with the list for as long as I can remember.

  • AKBomber
    68 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 7:28 AM

    Bingo..that is the correct answer!

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 5:28 PM

    Plenty of work arounds for this spring cleaning, however the point is still valid.


    We need this option not only as individual players but also as CC owners.

    We should be able to see our list of friends or members, and have aa check box next to each of their names.

    The check box may have multiple actions.

    Send Message

    Remove from friends

    Remove from country club


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