jaderoks: So after 5 or 6 years on a PC we can't get a smooth meter, but on an iphone it's relatively quick. Has WGT even tried to come up with a better platform.
Like I said; apples and oranges. It took a while (almost a year) to develop WGT mobile, and we did it while simultaneously updating and improving WGT Golf. We are constantly looking for new ways to improve performance of WGT Golf from our end. That being said, many players are able to play WGT Golf with little or no technical difficulties. This tells us that it is possible for everyone to experience the same. Every day there are new players joining who are certain that their technical difficulties are on WGT's end, and when they learn how to properly perform browser maintenance, they are suddenly difficulty free :)
I can't stress enough how important proper maintenance is for playing on this platform without technical difficulties, so forgive me if I sound like a broken record. This maintenance is the caveat for offering the freedom and flexibility of a flash-based browser game.
In the new game client, created for a completely different environment (not browser or flash based) there are a completely new set of procedures to follow. Apples and Oranges.
Stay classy,