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Enough with bashing the % theme..

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 9 2012 4:45 PM (22 replies)
  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 10:43 AM

    You guys are ridiculous.  

    Yes, if you get bumped by a WGT burp, your % is affected.  So what?  We aren't trying to achieve a perfect 100%.....this isn't some grade school quiz.  

    I constantly play multiplayer games.  My % hasn't been below 90% after the worst "WGT days."  And, within a day or two, it comes right back up to 93-97%.

    If you want to keep your % high..........stop playing with quitters.  Or, God forbid stop quitting yourself.  

    The system works well.  Is it perfect?  Likely not.  But, it works.  I can spot you a mile away.  If you are under 75%, I'm booting you before we tee off.  And, guess what?  My % stays high and yours is still a huge red flag to others.

    Get over the constant whining.  When my 7 yo son whines, it usually means he's ready to quit something.  There's a nice analogy to draw there if you are smart enough to see it.

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 10:56 AM

    Still a little galling to get a disconnect in Alternate Shot if your partner quits.

  • creamer444
    783 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 10:58 AM

    yes very good im happy for you give this man a patt on the back  but what about when wgt boot us and we cant get back in what then albert einstein?????

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 2:52 PM

    no need for name calling...........if you go back and read, i said that i admit that part needs to be fixed.

  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 3:13 PM

    If you want to keep your % high..........stop playing with quitters.

    Remember, its not the fault of yourself. Nobody knows when a person will quit

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 7:20 PM

    You guys are missing my point.  You can predict a player will be more likely to quit than another by using that number.  I don't know your threshold, mine is under 70%.  I see a 57% and sure he is more than half likely to finish the round with me, but he's also almost half likely to quit on, he's out.    I don't care what his reason will be.  He either quits on people or he has a crappy connection.  There is no reason a player should have a number this low that plays on a regular basis with players that don't quit, too.  If he plays with quitters and his 57% is all someone else's fault (so incredibly unlikely), then he's just a moron for not learning to avoid those people in the first place.  The point is a lower number is just simply a person to avoid.

    It's clear this thread was a waste of time because it's only attracting the same "% bashers."  I still contend the concept works in spite of WGT hiccups that affect your number.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Sep 19 2012 8:29 PM

    People have missed the point - the system is not perfect and still requires fine tuning (eg Alt games when your partner quits and freezes in blitz when the first player quits) but what it gives you is a good guideline. If the players percentage is low - do not play, as the chances are they will not finish. 

    My percentage has dropped to 90% through no fault of my own, big deal as it will fluctuate as it is based on the last 30 m/p games.

    The system is better than no system, and yes it needs tweaks, but when I had a master join at 20% there was no way he was staying - with no system the game would have not finished and noone would be the wiser.

  • Peajo
    16 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 9:38 PM

    BULL S**T Choppey  it does'nt come right back . If it only takes 1 gm to lose 3pts,why does it take 10 or more gms to raise it 3pts.

  • AndiWhite
    142 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 10:28 PM


    You guys are ridiculous.  

    Yes, if you get bumped by a WGT burp, your % is affected.  So what?  We aren't trying to achieve a perfect 100%.....this isn't some grade school quiz.  

    I constantly play multiplayer games.  My % hasn't been below 90% after the worst "WGT days."  And, within a day or two, it comes right back up to 93-97%.

    If you want to keep your % high..........stop playing with quitters.  Or, God forbid stop quitting yourself.  

    The system works well.  Is it perfect?  Likely not.  But, it works.  I can spot you a mile away.  If you are under 75%, I'm booting you before we tee off.  And, guess what?  My % stays high and yours is still a huge red flag to others.

    Get over the constant whining.  When my 7 yo son whines, it usually means he's ready to quit something.  There's a nice analogy to draw there if you are smart enough to see it.

    I've completed every game but my Completion AVG went from 93 to 83?  Screw U/  Something is jacked up...  

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 10:43 PM

    I've completed every game but my Completion AVG went from 93 to 83?  Screw U/  Something is jacked up...

    Its going back the 30 days formula that is messed up for sure. Its not rocket science but WGT doesn't make rockets either :( .