You guys are ridiculous.
Yes, if you get bumped by a WGT burp, your % is affected. So what? We aren't trying to achieve a perfect 100%.....this isn't some grade school quiz.
I constantly play multiplayer games. My % hasn't been below 90% after the worst "WGT days." And, within a day or two, it comes right back up to 93-97%.
If you want to keep your % high..........stop playing with quitters. Or, God forbid stop quitting yourself.
The system works well. Is it perfect? Likely not. But, it works. I can spot you a mile away. If you are under 75%, I'm booting you before we tee off. And, guess what? My % stays high and yours is still a huge red flag to others.
Get over the constant whining. When my 7 yo son whines, it usually means he's ready to quit something. There's a nice analogy to draw there if you are smart enough to see it.