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Enough with bashing the % theme..

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 9 2012 4:45 PM (22 replies)
  • Seve42
    33 Posts
    Thu, Sep 20 2012 11:42 PM

    Hey I had 100% until someone got disconnected and the game tried to load and never would come back. Guess what I'm at 97 now for something I didn't do. At that rate I could be down to 80% in no time. What's the incentive?

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 12:38 AM

    who even gives a toss about this % system. it's no where near truthful or's about as much use as 2 balloons and a whistle.

    i've never quit a game and mines is 87% what.

  • AndiWhite
    142 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 7:02 AM


    who even gives a toss about this % system. it's no where near truthful or's about as much use as 2 balloons and a whistle.

    i've never quit a game and mines is 87% what.

    I feel your pain.  :-(

  • ConfusionMaster
    1,658 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 9:15 AM

    Are you for real?

    The % system is fatally flawed.

    I am not a quitter and since it's inception I have NOTquit a single game. However I find my percentage down to 77% (maybe lower now) and falling due to other players quitting, both on my team and the other team.

    And since the % system has been in place there seems to be more players getting kicked out by bad connections or WGT glitches. I know this because I have had players on a team 2 holes up with 2 to play (or equiv) suddenly disconnect. I mean who disconnects when they are about to win?



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 10:13 AM

    The system works well.  Is it perfect?  Likely not.  But, it works.  I can spot you a mile away.  If you are under 75%, I'm booting you before we tee off.  And, guess what?  My % stays high and yours is still a huge red flag to others.

    Been a fan from day 1........Andy

  • phdk
    4 Posts
    Sat, Sep 22 2012 1:02 AM

    I finish the last 10-15 games, and I dont move.. I been at 87 % in al the games. then I got a visitor an had to quit, and boom down to 84. Very bad...WTG.. Fix it


  • phdk
    4 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2012 2:52 AM

    still dont work properly

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2012 3:26 PM

    It doesn't work properly but it's also important to realize that if your partner quits or disconnects your own % SHOULD go down. Win as a team and lose as a team. Your team did not complete the game and you are a member of the team.

    Choose your playing partners more carefully.

  • Pauldriver
    47 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2012 3:53 PM

    I'm sorry the system as is is completely screwed.

    If someone is gonna quit let'im... It used to be that at least you could complete your own round. Now if there is a disconnect you're completely at the players mercy if they want to be a jerk about it. Who cares about the percentage ? Why haven't they implemented the reputation feature ? WGT owes me wear and tear on equipment and balls and as far that goes they're are stealing my time. This is complete and utter disrespect for their paying customers. they have always been and remain unconcerned twits.


  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2012 4:16 PM

    I am currently up to 100% and yet I keep thinking, posting on forums and writing directly to WGT representatives, that this % presentation is causing more bad than good, in a very personal level; specially between players.  I have no excuses for anyone who quits a blitz right after a terrible shot, but still I wouldn't name "quitter" to anyone just because I witnessed one sole moment of frustration followed by a disconnection from a game.  One just doesn't know everything !

    The numeric-equation system could be very well design, the problem keeps being the unreliability of the "game-engine" versus the unreliability of some players as well.  We all know what happens with human laws and application of those laws sometimes.

    If I have to decide between humans or a computer system, with all our flaws I still prefer to put us first.  If the computer system is judging and punishing us, what is wrong with criticizing the system, which by the way, we don't have any power on judging and punishing it back.

    Anyway, my total respect to this post and all the threads.