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ad carousel

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 12 2013 3:40 PM (117 replies)
  • edwardmoreton
    7 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 4:55 AM

    Hi steve and all the rest who are having the same probs with this carousel lark and also live gammer super vido,s I and my Mrs have the same probs for 1 week now always the same reply  and no response from U know who  what is it with WGT There quick enough to take ur money and the credits back when you buy balls and new clubs etc  Other things of importance seems to.go out the window I have had many probs with WGT  before and got sick with all the arseing around they putt you through ``Notice the pun lol `+ well a solution for me is just play the game with starter balls [no cost] dont buy any thing from Pro Shop. Then when WGT dont girate credits and money probably it will make them think more about the people that use the game But its gotta be done on a large scale Project,Then again who gives a *** its only a computor game  

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 6:21 AM

    Yeah, I can watch 2 and then I have to clear both caches and it lets me watch 2 more, then I have to repeat the process. A real pain in the butt. All others are working fine.


  • UnluckyHarry
    31 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 7:18 AM


    Yeah, I can watch 2 and then I have to clear both caches and it lets me watch 2 more, then I have to repeat the process...

    Same here, or it was yesterday at least (haven't tried today yet):

    Watch 2 carousel ads with no issue, then "Unable to process" on 3rd. Clear caches (I'm using Chrome). Rinse & repeat.


  • zzturk
    150 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 7:58 AM

    My system has the maximum memory that be used by Win XP, and I never have a problem with any carousel items.

    However, might everyone please double check their flash memory allocation. These ads accumulate into flash memory, which is why WGT recommends allocating 10 mb for it.

    To do so and/or to check your current settings, go to the play now screen and, without choosing any game, right click and find "settings" (not global settings), settings is right above global settings. There are five icons at the bottom left, the middle of which is local storage (looks like a folder) - click it and peruse the memory scroll bar, making sure to slide it to the next to last setting on the right (10 MB).

    Even when I use my backup laptop, with bare minimums, this setting works for me such that I still have never experienced carousel freeze up.

    I hope this tweak is all you need - but I use google chrome (while I'm having kimodo dragon browser evaluated by an expert). While WGT doesn't yet recommend it, I have heard nothing but great reviews from other WGT players.

    Good luck all - I hope this helps.

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 8:41 AM

    Its is nothing to do with flash settings its due to your location.

    in the uk  you can only watch two then theres an error,

    But if i watch the  ones from the usa  no problem and some other locations around the globe still no problem. others there is a problem.


    And before you ask hows it done where you can change your location.your best friend is google.

  • PaulH0070
    1,339 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 10:07 AM

    i'd love to know if WGT are still get paid by Livegamer every time we click on a vid and get told it won't play.

    Also if Livegamer get all the info they want by us clicking the vids, because they sure as hell don't really give a toss how many stars we rate them.

    Sadly i'd be more than happy to put money on what we're all thinking and that is everyone else is getting something out of this other than us.

    Would certainly explain the wall of silence from WGT, they must be pissing themselves laughing. First we get stiffed on the number of views required and then they virtually can the whole idea altogher and STILL we come back, lol.

    The more i think about it the more i'm beginning to think WGT is run by geniuses and not numpties after all ;-)

  • rondvoux
    547 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 10:20 AM

    Not working for me here in Southeast Asia - hasn't worked for me for about a week now. Tricksy! False! Gollum...

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Tue, Sep 25 2012 5:17 PM


    Not working for me here in Southeast Asia - hasn't worked for me for about a week now. Tricksy! False! Gollum...


    Man Thought I had it bad. WGT you guys need to come up with a more fair way for people to get views. This needs to be equalled out. You guys dont discriminate if they pay with real money so why this?

    Or have some kind of free views for playing in tourney's and such. Something anything!!

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Wed, Sep 26 2012 4:56 PM



    Not working for me here in Southeast Asia - hasn't worked for me for about a week now. Tricksy! False! Gollum...



    Man Thought I had it bad. WGT you guys need to come up with a more fair way for people to get views. This needs to be equalled out. You guys dont discriminate if they pay with real money so why this?

    Or have some kind of free views for playing in tourney's and such. Something anything!!


    Here in Denmark we only have very few supersonic and sponsorpayvideos, cant participiate in all tournaments either.

    Livegamer is only the carousel no videos below to earn extra views

    . From first day Livegamer went out of function, last wednesday, i have could see 1 day with all 7 and 2 days with 1 in carousel, summary to now lost 53 views, have mailed wgt and livegamer 3 times, but still livegamer is out of function.

    Our real money are ok, but the few credits we can get, watching commercial/videos seems to be taken away!

    Its gonna be a very expensive game for people out of usa. Some tells me they can earn 300+ credits on surveys, no surveys here under the tab!

    Loads of credits spend 1 hr watching videos, what videos?? if i get 5 here in 24hr i am very lucky,take less than 10 minutes to watch all, pays from 3-5 credits each!

    No views for playing tournaments.

    *** i used 40 credits play on whistler B9

    . Still counting, no views today, 60 i miss now!

    But 1 video, worth 4 credits!
