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Mon, Aug 12 2013 3:40 PM (117 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2012 4:22 PM


    Hey all-

    I know it's a regional issue and I had no problem over the weekend racking up a few views. So, I just cashed in all of my views and chose about a half dozen players, at random, from this thread who were having troubles and gifted you a sleeve or two. Sorry to the guys using Callys and Nike, too rich for my blood, I didn't rack up that many views.

    If you were a recipient, I posted a message on your wall.




    Thats what WGT should be doing !


  • Koratbob
    139 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2012 4:39 PM

    WGT get off your asses and either fix this problem or at least ANSWER the complaints.

    This is BIG business and you can not ignore everyone, this is Bullshite. :-(

    What is there to enjoy, problems and no solutions or answer from the site people.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2012 5:40 PM

    I guess great minds think alike.  I, too, took most of the credits from recent views and gifted balls to 4 people at random the day before yesterday. I picked them at random from various threads on this subject, not just this one. I called those gifts "random acts of kindness."

    So far I've received a gracious thank you from one of the four.

  • Darryl5371
    169 Posts
    Thu, Sep 27 2012 9:38 PM

    Nice thanks mrcaddie so very kind of you, bloody awesome. I hope WGT takes note that such acts as yours show them that its not just faceless people behind screens and things do matter. Cheers mrcaddie.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 7:24 AM

    I guess great minds think alike.  I, too, took most of the credits from recent views and gifted balls to 4 people at random the day before yesterday. I picked them at random from various threads on this subject, not just this one. I called those gifts "random acts of kindness."

    That's great news srellim234! Good for you. It's great to know others are "paying it forward"!!!!!!

    So far I've received a gracious thank you from one of the four.

    I just received one this morning, and the guy was just so made my day!

    Cheers again srellim234!


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 7:55 AM


  • UnluckyHarry
    31 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 8:20 AM


    Hey all-

    I know it's a regional issue and I had no problem over the weekend racking up a few views. So, I just cashed in all of my views and chose about a half dozen players, at random, from this thread who were having troubles and gifted you a sleeve or two. Sorry to the guys using Callys and Nike, too rich for my blood, I didn't rack up that many views.

    If you were a recipient, I posted a message on your wall.



    I was wondering why I had so many in my bag - thought they were breeding in there! :D

    Seriously though, thanks MrCaddie, that's generous of you and very much appreciated.

    My cockles have been warmed by the spirit of your kindness, Thanks again!


  • Schaldemose
    304 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 8:21 AM

    Hej Egon,


    Det er frustrerende det her!......INTET virker!.....hverken karussellen, vidioer eller hvis man tilmelder sig Toluna..........det gjorde jeg i går, i ren desperation for at få credits, (765 credits) men det virker HELLER ikke!...........

    Hvad sker der lige her? - og hvorfor skriver WGT ikke med store bogstaver på forsiden at der er problemer?

    It's frustrating in here! ...... NOTHING WORKS! ..... Neither carousel, vidioer or if you sign up for Toluna .......... I did yesterday, in desperation for to get credits (765 credits) but it doesnt work! ...........

    What is going on here? - And why write WGT not in large letters on the front that there are problems?

    Mvh Carsten

  • Koratbob
    139 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 10:01 AM

    Now when I go to the video section a messager pops up an says I need to allow 3rd pary cookies in my browser. And then the screen goes blank,

    Well for your info my browser does accept 3 rd party cookies, so what is the problem.

  • Giuliano68
    17 Posts
    Fri, Sep 28 2012 10:07 AM


    Hey all-

    I know it's a regional issue and I had no problem over the weekend racking up a few views. So, I just cashed in all of my views and chose about a half dozen players, at random, from this thread who were having troubles and gifted you a sleeve or two. Sorry to the guys using Callys and Nike, too rich for my blood, I didn't rack up that many views.

    If you were a recipient, I posted a message on your wall.



    Thank you 
