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Save Multiple Games

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 24 2012 1:17 AM (9 replies)
  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 10:50 AM

    Is there ever a time when your shooting a round that you just can't leave? Is there ever a time when some friends are inviting you to play with them? 

    No one wants to leave their games, but no one wants to miss playing a game w/ some great friends.

    I love to play Alt Shot as well as solo stroke play. It is very seldom when I can shoot good rounds. There's been times when I am shooting that round of my freams when I get an invite from a good round that you just can't refuse. We all know where I'm going here.

    Can we have the option to save up to 3 games (excluding alt shot/match play)? If the games haven't been completed in a week, they will expire and be erased.

    Feedback is appreciated.

    - Buggyyy

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 11:00 AM

    I dont know about 5 but saving 1 would be nice.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 12:53 PM


    Is there ever a time when your shooting a round that you just can't leave? Is there ever a time when some friends are inviting you to play with them? 

    No one wants to leave their games, but no one wants to miss playing a game w/ some great friends.

    I love to play Alt Shot as well as solo stroke play. It is very seldom when I can shoot good rounds. There's been times when I am shooting that round of my freams when I get an invite from a good round that you just can't refuse. We all know where I'm going here.

    Can we have the option to save up to 3 games (excluding alt shot/match play)? If the games haven't been completed in a week, they will expire and be erased.

    Feedback is appreciated.

    - Buggyyy

    Happens all the time. I think due to time limits it would be impossible to save tournaments. But you would think if your playing solo and you finish within the time restraints that you should be able to save multiple tournies.

    Would be hard to do with multi player games though because then everyone would have to show up and sync at the same time and I am no programmer but logically thinking it would not sync properly. WGT already has sync issues now that they can't seem to fix .

    Also wish we could save more then 10 replays locally to our computer instead of on our profile. Wait I thought I read somewhere that it can be done ? Maybe it was my imagination :(

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 12:54 PM

     My thinking ....

     The solo round of my life gets trumped by a fun match with good friends every time... scores mean absolutely nothing to me.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 5:54 PM

    This question has been asked recently, and the biggest common hurdle.........cheaters.  Yes, they ruin it for us all.

    If we can save tourneys, what's to stop the cheaters from birdying hole one, saving it, parring hole two.....only to return to the tee box of hole to until they birdie it, and saving from that point?

    Game, set, match to the cheaters popping -22 with ease.



    Maybe, instead, we only get a limited number of saves PER tourney?  One save ought to do it for most of us.  And, if a cheater only gets to save a game once, he effectively only cheated one shot.  And, the rest of us get to leave for our a/s game only to return when we are ready to finish.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 6:45 PM


    If we can save tourneys, what's to stop the cheaters from birdying hole one, saving it, parring hole two.....only to return to the tee box of hole to until they birdie it, and saving from that point?

    Game, set, match to the cheaters popping -22 with ease.

     Saving a round doesn't work that way, Chop... never has. When you quit & save a round, the nex time you log in you have to forfeit that round or continue. If you continue, you start at the same point you were when you saved it. ...that par would still be a par... that metered shot into the deep rough would still be in the deep rough when you came back to don't get to replay the hole.

     What the OP meant was an option to save the round you're playing and let you accept an invite to play a different round(A/S, MP, Blitz, etc) and then come back to that first round at a later time.

     I still stand by my previous post. Short of a Ready-Go round that costs me credits to quit, no other solo round is better than playing with good friends.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 7:06 PM

     I still stand by my previous post. Short of a Ready-Go round that costs me credits to quit, no other solo round is better than playing with good friends

     I would find it quite hard to dump a solo round on the 17th and -13/-14....Andy

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 8:21 PM


     I still stand by my previous post. Short of a Ready-Go round that costs me credits to quit, no other solo round is better than playing with good friends

     I would find it quite hard to dump a solo round on the 17th and -13/-14....Andy

    I guess I can dream to be able to quit a round like that :) Man you guys are good .

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Sep 23 2012 10:36 PM

     I would find it quite hard to dump a solo round on the 17th and -13/-14....Andy

     Point taken, Andy.

       TBH,I might not dump that round either, but I would let them know I could go in  couple minutes....we DO have a message feature if we decline. That said, it really wouldn't be that big of a deal for me to bail on a "career" round. Having a low average or having my name at the top of some leaderboard isn't why I play this game.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Mon, Sep 24 2012 1:17 AM
    A possible problem for this is abuse of this ability. In other golf games you can save after each shot, and so many people do just that, then if they have a bad subsequent shot they revert to the saved game. It makes a mockery of any handicap / rating system. Now this game auto saves at many times and so long as you cannot revert to a saved time / shot, I think this would be a useful addition. Although one I rarely use as due to my location there are few people online at the same time as myself.