I was recently involved in a friendly Alt shot with three other cc members, we've played each other many times and know none of us are quitters.
Unfortunately, on this particular round, one of the group was having serious loading issues, so we kept getting brought back to the lobby.
The other three of us were patient, we knew this guy was a genuine player, not a quitter, and the game was very close, sudden death in fact.
Then he had loading issues for a third time and we were threw out of the game.
Is there no way, we can extend the 3 strikes to 5 strikes maybe. The subject of the 5mins to reconnect has been addressed in other threads, and i agree this time is too long, but to be kicked out of a game because of loading issues sucks.
I know I'll probably get responses from guys who have suffered from idiots who disconnect deliberately in an attempt to win by skullduggery, but surely a happier medium can be achieved.