Having Played a lot of MultyPlayer Games, generaly I prefer games with a 60 second Timeout. 99 Percent of the time this seams about right for me and my Playing Partners, still once in a while a Player gets in a trick situation where complex calculations get combined with difficult choices in shut type and club selection were me or one of my Players exeeds the Timeout Period.
Generaly the Warning comes up just as the Player is taking his shut or durring the returning of the swing meter. The Game is then interrupted for several Seconds then the Scene resets all marker positions and The Player has to rearrange everything before Takeing the shut again.
Seams like a waste of everybodys time to me.
My sugestion for this is not to interrupt the Player allowing him to continue his move and acumulate the Penaltys sort of in the background, maybe displaying the Messages but allowing him to complete the mission.
I believe this would still Penalise the slow play but also save time on everybody in the process.
Keep up the Good Work WGT