I'm not against it. I'll have some worse shots, but I can adapt. Sixteen gusting to 25 could be tolerable. Sixteen gusting to 50 defies any concept of reality.
If one adjusts the triangle on the small inset map 1/2 width and the ball deviates 2 1/2 widths, that's worse than a WTF deviation. That's ridiculous.
That's presuming, of course, that my initial judgement was somewhere in the ballpark. I think my performance figures will indicate that I'm not prone to missing an adjustment by 75 yards, sideways, from the tee. Just sayin'.
We've beat the disconnect issue to death, and we've beat the equipment-by-tier issue to death. Let's pound on the gust issue a bit.
Incidentally, no way will I believe it hasn't changed recently, that it's always been there to this extent.
On this issue I'm definitely laying aside my position as a WGT supporter and explainer and moving into the whiner camp.