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A little consistency would be nice.

Sat, Oct 13 2012 2:35 PM (16 replies)
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  • humpamonkey
    2 Posts
    Sat, Sep 29 2012 7:33 PM

    I have only been playing for a couple of weeks, but I have been a computer golf fanatic since the days of 'Fighting Golf' for the N.E.S.  Out of all the games I have ever tried, this one is as bad as it gets from one shot to the next.  Identical wind, distance, speed green, spin and swing, will stop dead 10 yards short one shot, the next time it will roll past the pin by 20 or 30 yards. There is simply no way to anticipate what effect the game physics will have on any given shot.

    And how on earth can you hit a 9-iron dead smack on center, with the spin pulled ALL THE WAY down, and have it still roll forwards 50 feet uphill?   It is funny how when your shot is short by 15 yards, THEN you can bet al that back-spin will prevent it from rolling forward.

    I am aware of the fact that all video games are slanted to the 'bad' side and very little margin of error exists to hit that perfect shot, but it is very difficult to play when an 18 mph wind moves your ball 40 feet toi the left one shot, and 2 feet the next...

    If it moved it 75 yards to the left, I would not really care, provided it did it the same  (within reason) all the time....

    Hopefully there will be a little more consistancy when the game comes out of beta....

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Sun, Sep 30 2012 6:06 PM

    check ur equipment specs .. you're using starters .. they are hardly consistent .. 

    you don't know enough about the game yet .. plenty to learn .. you won't master this game overnight .. in fact, u'll never quite be on top of it .. just like real golf .. it's not like the other golf games u've played before .. this is actually really hard .. 

    it's not for the impatient or the fainthearted 

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, Sep 30 2012 6:42 PM

    Give the game some time and get better equipment when you can. I too am an old school sim golfer and IMO this is 1 of the best golf sims I have played . Definitely in my top 5.

    A couple of weeks is hardly any time at all when it comes to this game . The learning curve is hard and just when you think you have it figured out you Tier up and then there are some more curves lol.

    Dont cheat yourself and give this game time I am sure in a few months you will have a different view other then the inexperienced view you have today. If you dont and choose to leave then you sold yourself out on alot of fun :)

    Good Luck.

    1,189 Posts
    Sun, Sep 30 2012 7:56 PM

    First thing, starters don't have spin, the second thing, if you hit the edge of the green the ball gets a severe bounce on some places. That could propel it 50 feet uphill.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Sep 30 2012 11:19 PM

    It takes a lot more than 7 ranked rounds to get the hang of this game.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sun, Sep 30 2012 11:55 PM

    Call me back in 6 months, then you will have enough experience here to complain in a rational manner.  my nickle.


  • humpamonkey
    2 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 3:43 PM

    Seriously? Starters don't have spin?  Even if I drag that little green (red, what-ever) dot al the way down to the bottom of that golf ball, I get no spin?   But I can drive one 265 yards?

    I fully realize that if this is any kind of game at all, there will immense differences between hack and pro levels, I just think the inconsistancy  at the bottom levels is over-exagerated.  Stopping a 40 yard loft wedge out there in the sunshine is much easier than nailing that driver off the tee every time (proximity to the hole not withstanding).


    Okay, so I've checked out a few different balls, just hit level 23 and have about 1500 credits to spend. 

    I am thinking hold out to level 26 for the TaylorMade ATV 60° Wedge (L14+) for 295  looks like a better deal than waitng for the Cleveland CG16 52° Wedge (L26+) for 495, (how come these wedges don't list the bounce angle?)  and then holding out for the Ping iWi Anser Series Putter (L28+) for 400....

    Either that or jump on the Taylor Made Burner 2.0 iron set.... (slow meter for us hacks....)

    BTW Is there any way to look at the green before you are standing on it?



  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 7:51 PM


    Reply to: A little consistency would be nice.

    Hopefully there will be a little more consistancy when the game comes out of beta....

    While we are on the subject of consistency....

    ---just sayin


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 1:43 PM


    Seriously? Starters don't have spin?  Even if I drag that little green (red, what-ever) dot al the way down to the bottom of that golf ball, I get no spin?   But I can drive one 265 yards?

    I fully realize that if this is any kind of game at all, there will immense differences between hack and pro levels, I just think the inconsistancy  at the bottom levels is over-exagerated.  Stopping a 40 yard loft wedge out there in the sunshine is much easier than nailing that driver off the tee every time (proximity to the hole not withstanding).


    Okay, so I've checked out a few different balls, just hit level 23 and have about 1500 credits to spend. 

    I am thinking hold out to level 26 for the TaylorMade ATV 60° Wedge (L14+) for 295  looks like a better deal than waitng for the Cleveland CG16 52° Wedge (L26+) for 495, (how come these wedges don't list the bounce angle?)  and then holding out for the Ping iWi Anser Series Putter (L28+) for 400....

    Either that or jump on the Taylor Made Burner 2.0 iron set.... (slow meter for us hacks....)

    BTW Is there any way to look at the green before you are standing on it?



    IMO...right now for a new beginner I would suggest  to go with the 2 L14 ATV Wedges now as you'll need the stopping power on the greens & I would suggest eventually getting a third one and dumping your hybrid after you upgrade your woods..  Then as you need the longer distances start replacing your other clubs. A decent Irons set with a decent meter speed that could get you at least to Master Tier would be the L27 RocketBallz.. Drivers & woods it just depends on what level you want to wait till. No matter what you decide I would leave you with the thought when you get woods and Irons try to match the meter speed as much as possible as trying to get used to a varied speed difference can be a real pain. Unfortunately the wedges will all be pretty much the same speed until you get to higher tier. hope that helps.

    The two views I know of on most course would be the camera closest to the hole and the rear on on the greens that have them. You can get a fairly good look at the contour out of those most of the time.

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