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Unexpected Down Time

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Sun, Oct 7 2012 12:40 PM (48 replies)
  • promark1
    412 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 8:56 PM


    Heh, all jokes aside, our IT guru tells me that we had a "site outage" and the reason for this is currently unknown. Fortunately, he was able to perform his computer wizardry and we are back up. We're going to investigate the cause and do whatever we can to prevent it from happening again.


    maybe the IT guru will get lucky in one of  the random draw tournaments this month lol

  • mechralph1
    24 Posts
    Thu, Oct 4 2012 9:53 PM

    01geezer, I found that if you X out, go to play now, and continue gets back in the game.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 4:14 AM


    Actually, one of the hamsters that powers the office building fell off the wheel.

    No wonder. You guys are still using hamsters; that's so passe'.  Everyone knows the power of choice these days are ferrets. Longer stride; more power per animal. They don't tire as easily either.  Look into it.

     They're big on exercise &...

     They work fairly cheap.


    Thanks for the explanation.  Communication; what a concept!

    I must beg to differ , first it was the "squirrel" drive meter which was way too unstable,

     the current "hamster" drive, aside from the occasional hiccup, seems to be working fine

     , I seriously believe installation of a "ferret"  drive may be contra-indicated a this point.

    Doc :)

  • olax
    61 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 5:25 AM

    So wasn't the altitude.

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 6:54 AM

    As you know, we like to keep improving on things here & with the ferrets longer stride & slightly longer life span, we feel this is this is a step towards bettering the overall experience.  Longer stride=smoother meter. Longer life span=less coin for the customer.

    Well, while I'm still not totally convinced this was a wise decision ( like a lot of decisions made by the folks @ WGT) I suppose a long as we're still in "beta" a certain amount of experimentation is to be expected. Off to shoot a few rounds to check meter stability...

    Doc :)

    1,141 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 7:22 AM

     SO....IM CONFUSED ???

    they fix'd  the BUG's ....BUT,,, now we have RODENTS ?

    OH well.... THANX.. 4 the down time yest..i got all my mowin done..:) and can play all day TODAY !

    Should make the MILLION point club by this evening ..1.3k awayyyyy  !! 

    peace ... hit em good erybodyyyyy


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 10:35 AM

    Could the site going down have anything to do with the problems of loading livegamer ads lately?

    I have no idea, just thought I would put that out there.

    Good question - there is no correlation between the server outage and LiveGamer. Of course, if the website is down you won't be able to access the offers, but the health of one is not dependent on the other, if that makes sense :)


    Stay classy,


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Oct 5 2012 10:37 AM

    SO....IM CONFUSED ???

    they fix'd  the BUG's ....BUT,,, now we have RODENTS ?


    Well of course, we had to add the rodents to flush out the bugs. Soon to come - cats to flush out the rodents.


    Stay classy,
