Hey there,
so with WGT saying the reason they bring out new equipment (max balls) so they can cater for all plyrs then how about let us customize our own balls.
for example with the nikes i use for 450 creds i get 14 1/2 dots out of 20 available, so what if i could assign those dots as i see fit giving me my own unique ball to play with, this has a few good reasons to be worth considering.
1) it gives the user a chance to customize there ball to there liking
2) it could potentially increase sales for wgt as more folk may be inclined to use/buy balls.
3) folk who struggle with certain parts of the game can assign there ball to the weakness they have in there game, so for instance if a plyr who struggles to hold greens they could load the ball to spin more, another plyr may struggle with the meter so they top up the feel aspect of the ball
i pay 450 for a sleave of nikes and if plyrs could pay that but put the 14 1/2 dots of skills in any order they like im sure the WGT experience would be greater for that plyr but also would increase sales for WGT as this can increase a plyrs pleasure/ ability to get more from the games they play.
best regards