JimmyLynch: a guy on WGT for eight days @ Amateur level w 75 average
I wouldn't bother too much.
Some are talented, some have experience w/ other golf games. 75 av. is mediocre compared to the "elite" (level 60+ and top equipment). It will win nothing in the weeklys/monthlys. Recently saw a 58 from a so-called "Amateur", bound to win 3000 - 10000 crs!
It's a discrepancy between tier and level which draws more of my attention.
If you want to report so., you may use members@worldgolftour.com and add some evidence, e.g. a screenshot. Be reminded though that, AFAIK, second accounts are explicitly approved by WGT, and playing any game but ranked rounds is not a legal offence. Only multi-accounting, more than one account at a time, is against the WGT rules - prove it if you can!