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Practice Range.....part deux

Sat, Oct 6 2012 1:16 PM (2 replies)
  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sat, Oct 6 2012 10:53 AM

    Since we won't likely get a practice range to beat balls on, practice flops, chips, and pitches on, and God forbid our putting on, how 'bout we do this instead....

    Multi-player rounds BY OURSELVES!  Instead of loading up the lobby with other people that may quit on us, we could load it up with ourselves.

    Back story, and where the idea came from:  When I was a kid, ages 9-12, I played golf EVERYday.  I lived on a course and was able to do so (tough life, I know).  But, as a little kid, I was never respected by most of the adults.  I could beat most of them (at age 9 I was under bogey golf, and at age 10 was shooting low-40s regularly in 9 hole rounds). I'm not claiming to be a scorned Tiger Woods....never was gonna be.  However, everyday in the summer, I would inevitably go out to play in the heat of the day....the only time I could get off the first tee....and I would eventually catch up with a group of men that would not let me play through.  So, I got in the habit of playing FOUR balls at a time.

    I would use different brands to keep them apart in my head....or different numbers.  I would play 72 holes in the time it would take a foursome of men to play 18.  I never pushed them, just cruised along behind them........PRACTICING.

    Now, before you dismiss this idea, WGT, let's think of the pro's here.

    - Massive ball sales.

    - Club rentals.

    - Perhaps less whining about quitters.

    - Perhaps less whining about not being able to practice.

    - For the players, less trouble finding a game.  And, less time to level up and unlock the premium equipment we all want to buy.


    Want to practice that sand shot?  Drop 3 or 4 balls in there on your approach.  Want to see how random your clubs can be?  Hit 3 or 4 approaches from roughly the same distance (which will still be rare), and watch what happens if you are lucky enough to get close to the ding on all four.  Your learning curve would be diminished exponentially.


    Think about it, WGT.  I became a pretty solid golfer, at a young age, because of it.  And, I did so MUCH faster than my friends.  Why?


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sat, Oct 6 2012 12:39 PM

    I vote "for."

    Very interesting, Chop.  Unfortunately, I was the kind of player who could play one ball and hold up a foursome playing 4 balls each.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Sat, Oct 6 2012 1:16 PM