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On putt meter

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Thu, Oct 11 2012 8:01 PM (13 replies)
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  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 6:52 PM


    I love you, Q, but I have to disagree with you here.  The randomness of precision is what keeps 15 and 20 footers close to a crapshoot.....just like real golf.  It's realistic enough we can hit things inside 10 feet with regularity, but the longer you get, the more of crapshoot it becomes ...

    Hey Choppography ! ... I love you too man !  ha ha.  Thank you for your great input and your gentleman-like ways to express your point.  I really don't have anything else on my bag to defend this case, but since it's you, I just want to answer with this : There is not such thing like 10 or more feet straight with no breaks putt, anywhere in the world (real golf) nor in WGT.  I would say that 99% of putts over 7 feet already have some break, up or downhill as well, without mentioning green speed requirement of good judgement and the fact that you could be very drunk while playing ... lol


    I don't ever want to just rear back and drop a 40 footer because I only had to hit the ding.  That would be the beginning of the end for me.

    Perfectly straight 40 footer with no breaks nor inclination neither ground resistence to be read does not exist, and my proposal was not about just swinging without calculations, aiming and reading skills for all considerations, neither a suggestion that WGT would sink the ball for us.  But as I said in my previous thread, I am ok with the none acceptance of this idea, I don't want to represent my client anymore since there's no popular support from anyone else but me (tears - ha ha) and I don't have a major issue with the game as it is already.  Anyway, from now on ... you can call me "THE DINGERRRR" (scary deep whispered voice with space reverberation) lol.

    Again my friends ... Salud ! (Cheers) ... thank you all ;)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 6:56 PM

    I partly agree with you, partly disagree. The mechanics of the golf swing (in this case the putt) and the actual reading the putt for the conditions are two different things. For the perfect putt both of these must be executed with precision. Now here is an example - A top Aussie golfer (and person) Ian Baker-Finch could both read and execute putting very well. When his stroke went AWOL he missed the putts (and very short ones - the dreaded Yips) but he could still read the speed and line, he just lacked the stroke to execute the read.

    On WGT the player must do the read, the execution part is hitting the ding.

    Either way the Jury is out, many opinions, but I agree that it is a great game.

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 7:17 PM


    On WGT the player must do the read, the execution part is hitting the ding.

    ... and electric chair execution for this crazy Quijotazo ... (lol)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 8:01 PM

    LMAO - and that looks like me (on a good day)  in the chair - are you trying to tell me something lol

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