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Master and Pro Tier

Thu, May 27 2010 4:07 AM (1 replies)
  • dinochang
    6 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 1:59 AM

    I have just gotton to master tier. When playing with my friends who are in the Pro tier.

    1) Where will we be teeing off and at which tee box will it be (master ot pro tier box)

    2) What will the green speed be?

    3) If its from a different tee box can we have an option to tee off from the same box?


  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 4:07 AM


    1) Where will we be teeing off and at which tee box will it be (master ot pro tier box)

    Each player will be teeing off from there proper tees.


    2) What will the green speed be?

    The green speed always defaults to the highest ranked player. (Master = very fast for everyone)


    3) If its from a different tee box can we have an option to tee off from the same box?

    This can be accomplished by setting up practice rounds. All players will tee off from the same tees and you can set wind, green speed, etc..

    Happy hitting