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New Pin on Congressional Hole 7 -- No camera angles

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 11 2012 5:27 PM (5 replies)
  • plg1
    14 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 11:43 AM

    replay.aspx?ID=d37ce925 cec7 413a b9fe a0e701333665


    There were not any putting camera angles when I played this hole. Even on the upper tier of the green near the other pin position. I saved a replay of my 'blind' putt and the replay gives two camera angles to choose from. When I was putting, there was only one view and it was from well off the green :)

    Edit: upon watching the replay, there was a third camera angle option. It was originally only two. Possibly the camera angles are still being added.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 12:13 PM


    replay.aspx?ID=d37ce925 cec7 413a b9fe a0e701333665


    There were not any putting camera angles when I played this hole. Even on the upper tier of the green near the other pin position. I saved a replay of my 'blind' putt and the replay gives two camera angles to choose from. When I was putting, there was only one view and it was from well off the green :)

    Edit: upon watching the replay, there was a third camera angle option. It was originally only two. Possibly the camera angles are still being added.

    it's a known issue, some people posted a message about it
    in the various forums, supposedly they fixed it,
    but I just finished a p round, and still no visual greens @ 7, so sent a bug report,
    guess that's the best thing you can do when you see that.


  • plg1
    14 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 4:34 PM

    Thanks for the reply. I figured others have seen this. The bug report you refer to is done in the game client, right?

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 5:08 PM


    Thanks for the reply. I figured others have seen this. The bug report you refer to is done in the game client, right?

    whenever you encounter a bug,
    you rightclick the screen and select "submit this problem to WGT"

  • dryspot
    771 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 5:12 PM

    yeah there was no view what so ever so i sent wgt an e mail.

    i didnt think to right click and submit it anyway maybe they will fix it.

    14 Posts
    Thu, Oct 11 2012 5:27 PM

    Yes I just encountered this bug on the 7th hole with no camera view of any putt.... lol it kind of made for a interesting hole putting blind though.


    Hope they take care of that quick. Until fixed stay away from that front 9