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an idea for the level/tier and bagging dilemma

rated by 0 users
Sun, Oct 14 2012 8:00 PM (9 replies)
  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 10:57 AM

    So, here is my idea,  just throwing it out there to see what others think.


    We all know the problem of low tier/ high level players.   Since only ranked stroke rounds count toward tier, but all game types count for XP's, this is my idea:


    Tier's should have a maximum XP cut off.  But,  XP points shouldn't quit adding up ever so...  make the cut-offs match the best gear for a particular Tier.  


    Example, Pro/Tour Pro tier can only level up to L50 before they need to Tier up for there future accumulated XP's.  So, if they want equipment higher than L50, they will need to make Master.  However, until they do, their XP's will continue to add up so that when they do make the next tier, their level jumps up accordingly. But would be cut off again for the next highest selection of clubs at L69 so then they have to  reach Tour master to hit the next best selection for clubs.  


    I hope that makes a little sense lol.  This way Level points will still count, but you can't buy stuff at that level until you promote.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 12:00 PM

    It might be much less complicated and easier to program if equipment performance were reduced a set % per tier below legend. That way everyone has access to the equipment and XP but clubs will only perform to the top of their capabilities in the hands of legends.

    Not only the way it works in real life but very simple to implement.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 12:25 PM

    Not only the way it works in real life but very simple to implement.


    Very true.


  • 1fastR
    12 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 3:57 PM

    Agree, I would like to see something happen.  Level 90 Tour Pro hitting from shorter tees and with better equipment.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 9:33 PM

    It might be much less complicated and easier to program if equipment performance were reduced a set % per tier below legend.

    Good Idea however the downside for WGT is that this would negate the need to upgrade equipment - as the equipment boost would come with the Tier Increase (unless this required additional payment).,

    I have never agreed with the Level/Equipment criteria - it should be based purely on the Tier (and was a good post stating this about a month ago).

    As we are deemed professionals regardless of Tier (as there is no handicap system, except distance from the tee and green speeds) it is unfair when I (TM) play a Legend that with the same equipment or similar, I have a huge advantage. It would be like saying to Rory or Tiger to tee off from further back than the rest of the field, I am sure that would make them happy with a few expletives added in.

    This is one area WGT has not got it right, either base the equipment on Tier or make everyone play from the same tees (based on the higher Tiered player for scored games). As most of these players have the same equipment at least its a level playing field.

    The sad thing is the horse has already bolted, the level/equipment was fine in the early days but has become a real issue now. The only way to rectify it now would be to reduce the % as stated until those player tier up - this is possible but probably a messy programming change. The only other way moving forward is to go the other way and increase the power for the higher tiers, but with players shooting in the 50s this would make the game farcial.

    So I agree with what you say but should be done retrospectively and then allow the equipment to reach its full potential when the correct Tier is acheived. At the same time WGT should implement the equipment on Tier Basis, not level for all equipment.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Oct 12 2012 10:52 PM

    It doesn't negate the need to upgrade equipment. Even though the performance would get a boost from tier advancement the clubs would still never exceed the performance currently programmed into them. The same upgrades we have to perform now would still have to be done.

    I don't know a whole lot about the programming angle. Only what I know from working as the operations liason to the IT department for pharmaceutical wholesalers. It shouldn't be very difficult to apply the downgrade % using a silmilar loop as we used to apply discounts to prices or discounting sizes on partial returns. Check tier, apply  %, strike at %. I know it's being very simplistic but something similar shouldn't be that messy to program.

    I agree that the horse has bolted. I also understand that just as in real life WGT is trying to allow access to the top equipment to everyone. The added benefit to them is that there are that many more potential customers for each piece of equipment. It's not a particularly savvy business move to limit sales in this game when it's not limited in real life.

    I am also a firm believer that the host of a multiplayer games should have the option of dictating that players either tee off from the same tees or tee off from tiered tees at the time he/she is setting up the game.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 6:41 PM

    I am also a firm believer that the host of a multiplayer games should have the option of dictating that players either tee off from the same tees or tee off from tiered tees at the time he/she is setting up the game.


    I like this idea too.  Or,  a player should tee off based on the longest driver in their inventory,  ( not bag),  that way no one can load up their starter driver and have all the other top equipment in the round.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 7:06 PM

    The problem only starts when the legends play below their tier. Time and time again, it`s the same old story.Legend gets taken for credits by a Tour Pro lvl 90. Or the other story of Legends who made legend in 3-6 months. Now they dont have the clubs to hit off of the tees, and want to cry about the disadvantage, that they put themselves in. You see for the most part, the sandbaggers and other villains in the game can be avoided. The solution is simple. Play only in your tier. Play only with people that you know.If you follow these rules, you will no longer have any problems with lower tier players. Happy Swinging.

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 7:53 PM

    The solution is simple. Play only in your tier. Play only with people that you know.If you follow these rules, you will no longer have any problems with lower tier players.


    I agree totally, and that's what I do.  Just would like to be able to play with all tiers and players when none of my friends are available.


    For me, I think sometimes I treat this game too much like real life golf.   In real life, I can chose which ever tee box to play from, but,  if I get paired up with players that I don't know, I usually play from the tee that they play from, but if I am out driving them, I will move back a tee if available.

    Even though I know it is really just a game between me and par, I don't want it to effect the other players round in any way.  

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 8:00 PM

    If you're a new legend, don't play with Tour Masters.  They will kick your butt.  So will the other legends.  Find a hack who isn't paying attention.