Bull %%%t one of the richest men in the world uses es the crap ROLFLMAO.
stick the to weed thats "that's" where your balls must go.
That certainly isn't a very cordial response. Not to mention you didn't address my question.
When you say "es the crap" are you referring to the WGT game (as "crap")?
Judging be your verbiage the only one on "weed" here is you. Are you dyslexic or just plain dumb?
Thank you "Ernie Els" for the snippet in which you provided somewhat of a logical explanation. Reading through the forums i'm sure you can see that many have a very diabolical perception of WGT.
I was just asking a question. Perhaps my statement regarding finance was unnecessary. I'm actually considering contacting WGT and investing a large sum into the development of the game.
BTW, Ernie (aka thebigeasy), There are by no means 5 million active players on here. There are many ways to track websites and user statistics. It's more like 5000 tops.
Keep it Funky