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Alt Shot issues

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Tue, Jul 30 2013 5:25 AM (4 replies)
  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 5:53 PM

    When trying to play Alt Shot games, there is an increasing problem of, when waiting for 4 Players to join,  Players  deciding that they don't like an element of the particular game that they've joined, then 'declining'.

    This is very frustrating, and time consuming.

    I'm assuming that they don't like the skill level or the course or whatever, to ease this, would it be possible to display multiple games on the screen so that intending Players can check the games beforehand rather than join only to find that they don't want to play then leaving?

    I know that there are filters, but it seems that a lot of Players are too lazy to use this feature, and are just clicking the 'Find a game" tab until they find a game that suits them.






  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 9:47 PM

    Some people treat this game as they do real golf, with a certain amount of decorum. Others see it as just another computer game. Who's to say which train of thought is the right one?

  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 4:10 PM

    I don't think you got the point I was making.

    Here's an example:

    Joined Alt Shot game, 2 players waiting Pro, Tour Pro, I join (Tour Pro), a Hack then joins, immediately, the other Tour Pro quits, waiting , waiting, a Master then joins, but immediately quits, waiting, waiting, Pro then quits, then Hack leaves, waiting waiting......

    This is becoming a regular scenario at the Alt Shot game, players being choosy about who they want to play with and it's becoming very frustrating.

    Thus, my suggestion to display multiple games on the screen so that these Fusspots can pick the game they want to play without driving other players waiting crazy.




  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 10:11 PM

    I don't think you got the point I was making

    I dont think he missed the point, was just stating that some people want to play with similar tiered players. and treat it more than just a computer game.

    After all imagine Tiger and Philand Rory waiting on the tee to be joined by a 36 handicapper, I am sure they wouldnt hand around either.

    Personally I am happy to play with most tiers, as its just fun, but others dont.

    Try using best match if you are the host, or invite friends, you have 167 of them, shouldnt be too hard to get a round going.

    Multiple game options is just another thing that could go wrong in my humble opinion.

  • rwpratt
    116 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2013 5:25 AM

    Having the same problem 9 months later.  A simple solution would be limit declines to 3 consecutive. I know everyone wants to choose their game but it angers me to watch M's, and TM's always decline if any lower that TP in the group. Yes three hacks and a master would be stupid but if there is a decline limit then they would think twice about turning nose up at 2 P's and an AM.  Trust me I have nothing against higher level players as I plan to be one myself  but if they don't want to play with lower level players set their own game up and limit it to upper tier players.