Quijotazo: WGT Water Hazard Ball Retriever nG4c5JTmWPaOUETy qfC.htp
WGT Water Hazard Ball Retriever
nG4c5JTmWPaOUETy qfC.htp
Yes, this one for sure!
As a new member of the family of the WGT BetaComplainer, we (ha ha ha "we") proudly present this innovative product :
WGT Whining Sweeper
Swing-Transition Driver Bat
Quijotazo:As a new member of the family of the WGT BetaComplainer
Congrats Q! I was wondering about that crying baby face on your profile next to the Legend Nation flag.
How do I sign up?
ha ha ha ... great stuff Andyson ! ... I know it's a great reputation-indicator ! ... Cheers ! ... I have no idea how WGT rewarded me with such distinction ... Hey ! ... let's ask WGTPizza !
This is great and all, but Q - how did you get a picture of me as a baby? Your capabilities are astounding! ;)
Stay classy,
that wouldnt work on # 17 at KI, a hovercraft would work better
WGTpizza:how did you get a picture of me as a baby?
Sorry , But if that was you , would it not be a pic of a Mini Pizza ?
OPY iaaRft
opyeuclid:Sorry , But if that was you , would it not be a pic of a Mini Pizza ?
I hope our Photoshop wizards are reading this ;)
Optimus Prime Putter