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Thu, Oct 18 2012 7:32 PM (1 replies)
  • obobbynow
    6 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 4:45 PM

    i've been playing here aprox.18 months and love the realism comrodery of the mulit player set-up. i've met convirced and made friends with people all over this planet.but im a competitor and when i see hack players that have been playing for FOUR DAYS shooting 7 under with starter clubs......COME-ON MAN! when i started i was lucky to reach the green in regulation. in the tourney i was playig in the masters tier would be lucky to crack the the top 10 in the hack.....yes i said place in the top 10 in the HACK tier. i feel, no im convinced that investing any more money in this program would be word it means ;serving no useful purpose;completley ineffective, hey i'll stick around till the cr. run out . great grafics set-up sad to see it sure you'll get it right. but not on my dime. AND AWAY-WE-GO!



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Oct 18 2012 7:32 PM

    Thank you for the definition of futile, pity about the rest of the rambling post and phonetic spelling, Your point is?

    You complain about the hacks shooting low scores - yes sandbaggers and multi-account holders is, and will always be a problem but why do you play this game, surely it is for the enjoyment and friendships you have made? If you had grandeur plans of making your millions from WGT you were seriously deluded from the outset.

    You have only recently attained master tier, and as such a re-learning of your game is required with the extra distance, especially of your approach shots. Your GIR stats are not good, nor are your putting stats so the game immediately is hard to score well. I would suggest you practice a lot more, after all you are the one playing not the presumed sandbaggers and multi account holders.