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Country Club Credit Banks

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Sat, Oct 27 2012 11:21 AM (7 replies)
  • buzkashi
    403 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 1:04 PM

    Does anyone have any constructive ideas about creating a country club bank so that members can donate credits for tournament prizes? Obviously, one person can do this, but is there a way for all members to donate credits into a central pool for distribution? How do some of you very creative CC owners handle this?

  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 1:31 PM

    East Coast CC has a freeroll program that I run.  Check my profile blog for details.  Members of the CC donate to me through blitz challenge forfeit.  I accumulate the credits in my account.

    I am the original owner of East Coast CC and am able to be profitable in RG's and challenges.  I've known most of the players for quite some time and obviously have built a lot of trust with our CC members .  That is the most important issue in my opinion.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me.


  • buzkashi
    403 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 1:43 PM

    Thank you for replying, Cycle. I will look at your profile blog, and get back to you if or when I have any further questions. Yes, trust is indeed the greatest part of such an endeavor.

    Again, my thanks to you.


  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 7:18 PM


    East Coast CC has a freeroll program that I run.  Check my profile blog for details.  Members of the CC donate to me through blitz challenge forfeit.  I accumulate the credits in my account.

    I am the original owner of East Coast CC and am able to be profitable in RG's and challenges.  I've known most of the players for quite some time and obviously have built a lot of trust with our CC members .  That is the most important issue in my opinion.

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me.



    Would be very interested in learning how, we have several members in my CC, who are retired, disabled vets. I try to help them as much as possible, but what your are saying would be great. Thank you,



  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 4:56 AM


    That sounds like an honorable reason to start a freeroll program in  your club.  Prior to starting, I had personally accumulated a lot of credits through Ready-go play and challenge play.  I then started the program by donating the initial credits myself and creating freeroll tournaments.  I started with 100 credit daily freerolls and have since branched out into having a wide variety of freeroll events!  As the rest of the club saw how the freerolls were working they started donating to the program and it has since taken off.  We've had well over 30,000 credits in donations and should continue.

    One problem I see with your club is the fact that your members are rather low in earnings compared to a club like East Coast.  Therefore, it may  be difficult to find big backers for a program such as this unless you can find ways to get donations through other WGT members or even WGT itself.

    I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your service.  Any other questions feel free to contact me or reply to this!


  • wolfpck1
    115 Posts
    Sat, Oct 27 2012 6:48 AM

    if you have a web site for the cc you can set up a paypal donation  link  for the cc and then use those donations for  tournament prizes etc . 


  • cycle1979
    1,555 Posts
    Sat, Oct 27 2012 11:09 AM

    That would work but donations may be hard to come by that way in my opinion.  Most donate to our freeroll program because they are successful at earning credits and have excess WGT credits that they don't mind sharing.  Actually, donating with hard earned cash I think would deter most people including myself! 

    Certainly a thought though Jim and potentially worth a try.....

  • buzkashi
    403 Posts
    Sat, Oct 27 2012 11:21 AM

    Thank you all for your input. Both ways of proceeding have been helpful.