I know the big spenders here have all the influence but what has happened to our little 50C stroke play ready go's? I had just begun to play ready go's and dangling my toes in the water with these small ones. Now they seem to be 'poof'
we aint rich but we like our little games :)
Bring them back please..............all we want is one on the list.......that's not a lot to ask is it?
i'll check into it.
thanks mister !!
WGTicon: hi i'll check into it. -wgticon
Can you see if the design team can place a "high stakes" "low stakes" tab in there. Should be an easy fix. Then you can run several RG's for 50c - 200c in low, and 300 - 2k in high.
LeGeNdCrUsHeR:Can you see if the design team can place a "high stakes" "low stakes" tab in there. Should be an easy fix. Then you can run several RG's for 50c - 200c in low, and 300 - 2k in high.
Please add more 100cr RG's and more variety of courses and conditions. Also add a couple 50cr RG's please.
Great ideas, both good for the players and WGT,
more RG's!
.. .. 300 n 500 please.. .. with wind,,, plenty of wind............................ and what of 'slow' greens,,, were they not popular thus didn't fill quick enuff.. .. its been ages since i've played or even seen one..???
We have added a 50 cent ready go as requested. there will be more down the line:)
WGTicon: We have added a 50 cent ready go as requested. there will be more down the line:) -wgticon
thank you so so much. Just entered and played. Not too well, but I'm very thankful you made this happen for us. Much appreciated!!!