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Practice Mode....

rated by 0 users
Tue, Oct 23 2012 6:37 PM (9 replies)
  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 9:43 AM

    I just dabbled with match play.  I don't mind playing practice matches if the others are going to be scored towards my average.

    Both the opponent and I (I joined) were shocked to find we defaulted to the tips with very fast greens.  

    Now, I think the player creating the game has the control.  So, that's on him.  But, I had no indicator of the conditions when I signed up.

    I'm not complaining about the conditions.  I'm complaining about not being able to see them.  Can we get something that would tell us before we accept the match or tee off?  I doubt a Pro with starter equipment wants to join a match on championship tees very often.

    I don't care where I play as long as I know in advance....ya know?

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 9:59 AM

    Just a thought,...if you look at the player's tier who's game it is ( such as a Tour Master for example), can bet that the green speed will invariably be Tournament speed,......

    Match play games I don't believe will affect your score average, can it??...Because a score is NOT known,.......

    To avoid this,...... create your own game and you can install the conditions of your choice!  Or invite ONLY players in your level,...but I suggest playing with good players,'ll learn much me!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 10:02 AM


    you should see the conditions before teeing off on the right side.

    you will have an option for few seconds to edit the club's, so you could check the conditions while editing clubs.


  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 11:06 AM

    I have a ?  about practice play ,, why are the green speeds standard. As a Legend i play on tourney greens ,, Now why the heck would i want to practice  on standard greens . I cannot see that this should be a big deal for WGT to fix .

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 11:18 AM

    That's a very good point,.....But I do practice from the regular game option,.....I select "practice in lieu of ranked"...then select whatever conditions I wish, eg; speed and pin placements!


    But I believe you're referring to the mode that involves practicing on a particular hole on a particular course, which I find odd also..seeing that the tee boxes are "red" ..or front tees,.....doesn't make sense unless one wishes to see what it's like to drive close to the green!!

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 11:31 AM


    I have a ?  about practice play ,, why are the green speeds standard. As a Legend i play on tourney greens ,, Now why the heck would i want to practice  on standard greens . I cannot see that this should be a big deal for WGT to fix .

    If you are setting up a practice round,  then all conditions can be set to your liking.  Only practice I know of that you cannot do this, is when you play the single hole option.



    oops...thought I hit post,  came back to find I didn't, hit post and seen that what I said was already said.

  • spraypantscorona
    121 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 11:47 AM

    Yes  i,m talking bout the single hole play,  and also you tee up on the red tees.

  • maruschak
    572 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 1:38 PM


    Yes  i,m talking bout the single hole play,  and also you tee up on the red tees.

    That's why I have no intention to play that mode, sense in practicing shots you're no going to be playing in competition!


    I'd much prefer to have WGT enable us to play that mode with our choice of tees and green speed,....I'd love to practice certain holes that give me trouble, simply aid in club selection,...while taking note of wind etc!  That would be a big help,...but it might be asking for too much!   

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 6:12 PM



    you should see the conditions before teeing off on the right side.

    you will have an option for few seconds to edit the club's, so you could check the conditions while editing clubs.


    Thank you.  We both missed it.  I'll look another time.

    Still would like to be able to play from different tees in the future since both of us playing from our "normal" tees is only going to effect our averages/tiers.

    1,189 Posts
    Tue, Oct 23 2012 6:37 PM

    Match play games I don't believe will affect your score average, can it??...Because a score is NOT known,.......


    Check the WGT Beta section of the forum. MPs in scored mode (no credits on the line) now affect your avg in a big way.