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Sort by levels, not tiers.

rated by 0 users
Thu, Oct 25 2012 10:17 PM (1 replies)
  • JaBruning
    1 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 6:57 AM

    Need to add the option to limit the level of someone that can join a group.   It is obvious that the tier has nothing to do with it.  A level 50 player has not much of a chance as a level 95 player from the same tee's.....

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Oct 25 2012 10:17 PM

    We have been asking for this option for a couple of YEARS now.

    But hey we get black balls and nice avatars instead.


    Also, there is an existing thread running.

    There is a search function up over there ----------------------> 

    as well