cycle1979: I could easily see ways players would cheat using this multiplayer mode similar to coercion in online poker
cycle1979, Not sure what you mean with this? Can you explain thanks.
Cheers, Pete
Do you think it would be an advantage if a few of your friends could tell you their exact shots and distances before you shoot? It doesn't guarantee a better score but it certainly is an advantage over players that decide to play by themselves.
Cycle1979, Thanks for the insight on that. I see where you are coming from.
But tell me something…If you were the 4th player hitting off on the 1st hole and gained the best understanding of what club/distance to play, and then went on to win the hole or score the best score on that hole, you would then be the first player to hit-off on the next hole, and thus, giving the other players an advantage? But I guess some players could work together and provide one player with advanced intel – but in this case I’d be notifying this to WGT Admin straight away and they would no doubt freeze all credits of the alleged suspect players and investigate. So I don’t necessarily see there is much advantage overall. Also the other aspect would be whether all players are of the same level/standard too? Masters play off different tees to amateurs etc. I just think a group play situation is more in keeping with the true game of golf and would be more social.
Cheers, Pete