Nice 1 WGT staff for taking every one's groans about the "boaring" last months ready go's and giving us plenty of options for fun, enjoyable months worth of tournaments.
And 2nd point, I entered $3 Olympic club ready go and I would have say 13 mph headwind on #1, i missed ding by a fraction and ball sailed 10 yards left. This happened on several holes where a missed ding even opposite to wind would make ball have no effect by the wind and land way wide. Yet, in Kiawah ready go, I had 12 mph left to right wind, i missed ding by a fraction ON WIND SIDE, yet my ball didn't seem to get effected much and i still landed close. Its obvious that forgiveness on clubs varies with different ready go's, but is it just the individuals forgiveness on clubs which lowers, or increases or is it just that ready go, every one will have lower precision in Olympic or maybe my clubs forgiveness lowered because i was getting a "tough" round but some one else who's playing same ready go might get a "hot" round so their forgiveness might actually increase a bit??
And on the subjects of Ready Go's, the new pin at Kiawah #15 is virtually impossible to get a decent putting view. Either you get a tiny avatar and a diagonal putt where you cant really read the break or if you are a bit past the pin the hill to the green obscures your view or above pin your avatar is small and aim box blocks view, and even the break is wrong. So all you can use is front view, and does any one really use front view to putt?