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To all those caught up in Hurricane sandy

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Fri, Nov 2 2012 7:08 PM (1 replies)
  • oneeyedjohn
    9,588 Posts
    Wed, Oct 31 2012 2:16 AM

    My feelings are for you all in that area, i am sure I have played with many many guys and girls who live there.

    Us Europeans have no idea what you are going through.

    I was in the UK in '87 for the notorious storm that ripped roofs off many houses in the south, me included, but that is nothing to what I see from the pictures in USA.. Luckily my best friend at the time was a roofer.

    I was in the far east when a tornado hit and and tables and chairs were flying through the air and the trees were bent horizontal, pretty frightening, but a beer and a concrete shelter solved that.

    I have a friend that survived the 2004 tsunami in Thailand by climbing up a telegragh pole.

    He said it was a life changing experience, but not something we would wish to experience.

    My son flew out of Kobe in Japan minutes before the quake struck, it took me a long time to get over that. That was 1997.

    I really hope you all get through this dreadful act of God.

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 7:08 PM

    My feelings are for you all in that area,

    Terrible catastrophe over there, We watch the news completely gobsmacked in Australia.

    Thank you 1iJohn for your sentiment, i also hope everyone gets through this ok in one way or another.

    Sad losses for all.